A huge crowd gathered to hear Jesus speak. There were more than 5000 of them, and it was dinner time, and the people were getting hungry!
Jesus asked “Where will we buy bread for all these people?”
But the disciples were shocked.
“It would take half a year’s salary or more to buy enough bread for everyone to have a single bite!”
At that moment, a boy came to offer what he had in his lunch box – 5 small loaves of bread and 2 fishes. How can that be enough for all the hungry people?
Jesus simply gave thanks to God for the fish and bread, and began distributing the food. The amazing thing is – the food never ran out, and when everyone has eaten their fill, the disciples collected 12 baskets left of fish and bread!
You may feel like one of the crowd – you are hungry and you have some needs in life.
You may identify with the disciple – with so many mouths to feed, how can I have enough?
You may feel like the little boy, I only have so little, can God do anything with it?
Whoever you identify with today, it is our prayer that this year, you encounter God’s supernatural providence, His peace, and His love for you.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” – 1 Peter 5:7