18 Jan – 24 Jan
As believers, how we understand our salvation would impact our view of God, our understanding of the gospel and even the focus of our ministry. One of the greatest debates in the doctrine of salvation is whether we were chosen by God to be saved or whether we exercised our own choice in following Christ. This is the Calvinism and Arminianism debate. This course will cover the five key points of the debate and help us to get to the heart of the issue, so that we can truly understand our salvation.
Sign up at grow.hopesingapore.org.sg by 29 Jan
Want to be involved in Missions and contribute as a STM Facilitator, coordinating and facilitating teams of STM candidates, or even your own Life Group, this STM Facilitator Course will provide the necessary training in the following areas:
4. Mentoring Track (effective mentoring team, how to do daily debrief)
This training includes a *compulsory STM trip as an On-Job-Training (OJT) after 3 in house training sessions in class. The STM trip will be facilitated by YWAM instructors. All sign up participants are expected to be a volunteer of the STMFM after the training and will be required to facilitate at least 1 STM trip within the 2 years after the training. Sign up to be part of God’s team to facilitate the work of His heartbeat for the nations.
Everyone can play a part in building the church. The Contribute Class helps you to understand why you should serve and how you can use the talents that God has blessed you with to contribute to His Kingdom.
This class provides tips on how you can have a basic understanding of why Christians serve and what it means to contribute, identify character qualities that a contributor ought to possess and discover biblical principles and practical applications for serving in ministries and/or Life Groups.
Sign up at grow.hopesingapore.org.sg by 5 Feb