Produced by Hope Singapore in 2017, God with Us is an album to remind us of God’s faithfulness and His unending love for us.

In 1978, Evangelist Billy Graham came to Singapore and held many nights of crusades that shook the spiritual climate of Singapore. It was also then that God declared through him Singapore’s destiny to be Antioch of Asia. In 2018, Hope produced this single as a prayer for all who seek His face to witness a revival in our lives and in our nations.

As our children go through the journey of life, in the highs and lows, ups and downs, rain or shine, we want to give them a song to remember who God is and His place in their lives.

Thus, “Remember” birthed from a place of simply living in remembrance of our Almighty God who stays the same in every season. It is our prayer that they will grow up singing these songs of truths that keeps them rooted in God.