True Spirituality in Christ: Malachi Book Study

 12 & 13 Oct, 19 & 20 Oct, 26 & 27 Oct, 2 & 3 Nov, 9 & 10 Nov, 16 & 17 Nov, 23 & 24 Nov
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Pastor Daniel Tan, Larry Teo, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Bible Study, Christian Living, Malachi, Spirituality

We need a firm foundation for our spiritual life to live out our identity as God’s people. Join us for a 7-part book study series on the book of Malachi, where we will learn what true spirituality in Christ means.

The Next Step

 11, 18, 25 Aug 2024
 Pastor Dennis Loh, Larry Teo, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 ABCD, Belong, Christian Living, Church, Discipleship, contribute

In every season, we all need to grow and mature in our faith.

Love My Block/Community

 21 & 28 July 2024
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, CN Leong
 Block Pastoring, Christian Living, Great Commission, Light, Outreach

We are called to be the salt and light of the Earth. How do we shine God’s light wherever we are placed? 

Unchanging Series

 29 & 30 Jun, 7 & 7 Jul 2024
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Larry
 Christian Living, Holy Spirit, Power, Unchanging, Values

A 2-part series on the topic of Holy Spirit as our power source.

Freedom In The Gospel Part 3

 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 June 2024
 Yam Chien Meng, Pastor Michael Raditya, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Book Study, Christian Living, Freedom, Galatians, Gospel

In this third instalment of our Galatians book study, learn how we can live as follower of Christ.

Conference 2024

 25 & 26 May 2024
 Reverend Edmund Chan, Senior Pastor Jeffrey Chong, Pastor Samuel Phun, Pastor Benny Ho, Pastor Daniel Wee
 Church Planting, Holiness, Missions, abiding in Christ, harvest

Therefore, Go

 27 & 28 Apr, 5 May 2024
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Joseph Sachariah
 Christian Living, Church Planting, Great Commission, Missions

Why is church planting key in God’s redemptive plan for mankind? Learn from the Early Church on how they spread the Gospel and how we are called to go into the nations too.

Truly, Madly, Deeply

 06 & 07 Apr, 13 & 14 Apr, 20 & 21 Apr 2024
 Pastor Dennis Loh, Yam Chien Meng, Pastor Daniel Tan
 Christian Living, Family, Holiness, Love, Marriage, Sex, intimacy

Pursuing holiness includes how we view and treat love and intimacy. Amidst the influence of worldly values, learn how the Scriptures celebrate love and sexual intimacy and how this helps us to be holy singles and married couples before God.

The Heart Of Tithing

 17 & 18 Mar, 24 & 25 Mar 2024
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Finance, Tithing

Holiness should permeate to all aspects of our lives, including how we view and treat our finances through the practice of tithing. What does the Bible say about tithing?

Equipping For The Harvest

 09 & 10 Mar 2024
 Pastor Timothy Yeo

Abide Series 1

 20 & 21 Jan, 27 & 28 Jan, 3 & 4 Feb, 17 & 18 Feb, 24 & 25 Feb, 2 & 3 Mar 2024
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Pastor Daniel Tan, Pastor Michael Raditya, Pastor Jasmine Poon,
 Christian Living, Church, abide, focus2024

It’s easy to look for the next big thing in this fast-paced and fast-changing world. Yet amid the wars, economic uncertainty, and constant pressures of life, we can find our stay. Come and hear what God has in store for our church and personal lives as we move forward in 2024.

Focus 2024

 06, 07, 13, 14 Jan 2024
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Church, Holiness, Hope, focus2024, harvest

Come and hear what God has in store for our church & personal lives as we move forward to 2024.

Promise Keeper

 10 & 17 Dec 2023
 Pastor James Lim, Yam Chien Meng
 Christmas, Faithfulness, Hope, Promise, jesus
The birth of Jesus brought hope to the Israelites that their God heard their cries and fulfilled His promise to them.
God is still faithful to us in the challenging times we live in today.
This Christmas, discover and celebrate the promises God has given us through Christ!

Filling The Open Chair

 25 & 26 Nov 2023
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Great Commission, Outreach
God has planned a great celebration in His Kingdom for all and He has put us in-charge of the invitations!
Learn how we can make space in our hearts and life groups for more people to experience God.

Freedom In The Gospel – Series 2

 15 Oct, 22 Oct, 29 Oct, 5 Nov, 12 Nov, 19 Nov 2023
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Timothy Yeo, Yam Chien Meng, Pastor Michael, Pastor Daniel Tan
 Book Study, Christian Living, Freedom, Galatians, Gospel, Truth

Apostle Paul defended the Gospel with all his might to persuade the Galatians to resist the bondage of the Law and remain in the freedom of the Gospel.

Would you do the same?

In this second instalment of our Galatians book study, learn how we can resist returning to the Law and resolve to live freely in Christ.

Stop Seeing Red

 08 Oct 2023
 Pastor Daniel Tan
 Anger, Christian Living, Emotion, Self Control

How can we keep our emotions, especially our anger in check in this fast paced and stressful society?

Alcohol According To The Bible

 01 Oct 2023
 Pastor Dennis Loh
 Alcohol, Bible, Christian Living, Drinking, Spirit
How do you feel about drinking alcohol?
Some see it as part of celebration, unwinding, and even work. Others are more cautious. But what does God say?
Find out how we can go about deciding whether to drink or not according to the Bible.

Focus 2023 Series 2

 16, 17, 23, 24 Sep 2023
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, focus2023

God, in His mercy and righteousness, has provided a way for us to continue walking with Him. But sin often trips us up and hinders us from being all we can be in Christ. How then, should we respond to God when we stumble?

Adulting In Every Season

 03 & 10 Sep 2023
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Pastor Dennis Loh, Pastor Jasmine Poon, Pastor Eugene Seow, Pastor Leanne Huang, Pastor Daniel Tan
 Adulting, Christian Living, Life Station, Season

Adulting is a long journey where every life station comes with its own complexities. Learn how you can live in God’s wisdom and purposes in your current season!

A Brick In His House

 19 & 20, 26 & 27 Aug 2023
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Belong, Christian Living, Church, Community, contribute
Many structures of wood, brick and steel are built and established by hands of Man. Yet none of them, from shophouse to skyscraper, compares to the Church, the spiritual house of God.
Discover what makes up His house and how we are called to be part of it!

The Friendship Ground

 13 Aug 2023
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Friendship, Relationship, ess

In our pursuit of a romantic partner or career advancement, friendships could take a back seat. Hear our panel share their personal journey on friendships and how authentic friendships can be the missing ingredient we need to live a fulfilling life as young adults.


 30 Jul, 06 Aug
 Pastor Daniel Wee, Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Community, Gospel, Guest Speaker, Outreach

Just as how Jesus sent His disciples to preach the Gospel, He is sending us out to our schools and neighbourhoods. Learn how we can make a lasting impact in the community God has placed us in!

Church On The Go

 15, 16, 22, 23 Jul 2023
 Pastor Jasmine Poon, Pastor Jeremy Seaward
 Christian Living, Church, Church Planting, Mission

God is a global God who loves and redeems globally. Discover how can we can be a church that is readily activated to go and reach the world for Christ.

Freedom In The Gospel – Part 1

 17 Jun - 9 Jul 2023
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Yam Chien Meng
 Book Study, Christian Living, Freedom, Galatian, Gospel, Truth

The core message of the letter to the Galatians is this: God accepts us not based on our works but on Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. Christ has set us free from self-justification.

How can we live in this freedom and honour God with our lives? In this first instalment on Galatians 1 and 2, learn what it takes to stay true to the Gospel.


 10 & 11 Jun 2023
 Pastor Andrew Yeo
 Christian Living, Peace, Praise, Presence, Worship

Encounter God’s Presence in our worship service. Learn how we can wield praise as a weapon; to declare God’s power and nature in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances.

Doers Of The Word

 04 Jun 2023
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Bible, Christian Living

God’s word is powerful, transformative and carry the highest authority. Our response to God’s word matters.

How can we grow to not just be listeners of God’s word but be doers of the word as well?

Prepare For Encounter

 21 May 2023
 Pastor Michael Raditya
 Christian Living, Humility, Hunger, Prayer

We don’t come to encounter Conference – we come to encounter the God of our Conference. Through Bible characters in 2 Kings 5, unearth two attitudes we must cultivate to prepare ourselves to encounter God.

Perfect Parent

 14 May 2023
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Parenting, ess

“Does this kid come with a return policy?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Am I good enough for my kid?”

Ever had these thoughts? You’re not alone. This Parents’ Day, we celebrate all there is to be a parent. Hear stories from people who have or are imperfect parents, and find out if the perfect parent really exists!

No Offence, But…

 07 May 2023
 Pastor Jasmine Poon
 Anger, Christian Living, Sin, forgiveness

The way we handle offence influences the end results of the offence. How then can we navigate this offence-filled life? Join us and find out how you can handle the offences in your life.

Battle Plan Against Porn

 29 & 30 Apr 2023
 Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Family, Lust, Marriage, Parenting, Pornography, Sin, Temptation

In a nationwide survey by Focus on the Family, the greatest threat of sexuality is pornography. It affects not just young men and women but also married couples.

As a church and followers of Christ, we need a battle plan against pornography. Let’s talk about it, openly, honestly and biblically.

Faith For Generations

 15 & 16, 22 & 23 Apr 2023
 Pastor Daniel Tan, Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Community, Faith, Family, Parenting

We have the privilege and responsibility to teach and inspire the next generation to give their hearts to God.

God continues to work out His redemptive plan through generations of believers who are committed to Him. Find out how we can pass on our faith for generations.

Easter 2023 – Consider Jesus

 9 Apr 2023
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christianity, Easter, Purpose, Transformation, jesus, salvation

The Jesus of Easter claimed He’s the answer to all these bigger questions of life.

This Easter, we are inviting you to consider Jesus, just like the billions of others who have considered and lived their entire lives with Jesus at the centre. 

Palm Sunday: Celebrating Jesus

 02 Apr 2023
 Yam Chien Meng
 Easter, jesus, palm sunday

When Jesus came to Jerusalem, crowds of people laid palm leaves and cheered enthusiastically to welcome Him. The same crowd turned against Him just a few days later.

As we celebrate Jesus this Palm Sunday, learn how we can have steadfast faith in Him despite the fickleness of our human nature.

A Better Life

 18, 19, 25, 26 Mar 2023
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Commitment, Giving

What does ‘a better life’ look like? Higher salary? A bigger house? Better education? Better healthcare?

Sometimes, our commitment to God seems to stand in the way of us attaining a better life – not just for ourselves, but for our loved ones too. Learn how can we handle our desire for a better life in light of who God is.

Focus Series 1

 28 Jan - 12 Mar 2023
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Timothy Yeo, Pastor Dennis Loh, Pastor Benny Ho, Pastor Edmund Chan
 Christian Living, Church, focus2023, hearts on fire, vision

With revival comes a fervent longing to live for God and a deep concern for the souls of others. In this 7-part series, discover how we can allow God to search, purify, and ignite our hearts.

Shine God’s Light

 14 & 15 Jan 2023
 Pastor James Lim
 Chinese New Year, Christian Living, Light

The light of Christ fills us and gives meaning and purpose to every part of our lives. And when that happens, we will give off the very light of Christ. Learn how we can position ourselves to fully light up to shine for Christ!

Focus 2023

 07 & 08 Jan 2023
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Church, focus2023, vision

In February 2022, we received a prophetic vision of the Holy Spirit dropping dollops of salt upon each of our tongues to induce an insatiable thirst for more of God.

Come thirsty to receive what God has in store for our church and personal lives as we move forward in 2023.


 01 Jan 2023
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Holy Spirit, New Life

Breathing is essential to living. But we never noticed our breathing until we are hit by a stale odour or gasping for air. Spiritually, we may realise we need some fresh air too. How can we change the air we are breathing this new year? 

Christmas At Hope – The Christmas Multiverse

 24 & 25 Dec 2022
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christmas, Gospel, Hope, ess, jesus, salvation

“Christmas is always the same every year!” said Chris. Until… this year.

Stomach troubles at an awkward family dinner launches him into The Christmas Multiverse.
Join Chris in this epic drama and discover your own favourite version of Christmas!


 10-11 Dec, 17-18 Dec
 Pastor Michael, Yam Chien Meng
 Christian Living, Christmas, Joy, Pleasure, Purpose, Success

Now that the world has reopened from the pandemic, we’re starting to enjoy life again. We’re filling up our schedules with social gatherings, holidays, and goals.

Just like a gift box, our lives look attractive on the outside. But is the inside as good as what the outside promises?

Let’s unwrap our lives this Christmas and discover what’s on the inside.

Seeds Of The Gospel

 04 Dec 2022
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Gospel, Outreach, Sow

Jesus began his parable, “A farmer went out to sow his seed…” He went on to describe four different types of soils that the seeds fell on, yielding different outcomes. Learn from Jesus’ parable about the conditions of human hearts, and how this Christmas, we can sow with faith and reap with joy.

Neighbours To Nations

 19 & 20, 26 & 27 Nov 2022
 Pastor Dennis Loh, Joseph Chean
 Christian Living, Great Commission, Missions, Outreach

God has a great purpose for us on earth; one that includes nothing less than the world. Discover how God’s heart for all people will impact the way we respond to individuals who look, talk and live differently from us.

Transformed To Influence

 15-16, 22-23, 29-30 Oct, 5-6, 12-13 Nov 2022
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Daniel Tan, Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Influence, Outreach, Transformation

If we want to see the Gospel changing lives, we must become active influencers. In our five-week series on the book of Titus, examine how we can fulfil our calling to influence the world towards Christ.

Finding Peace Amidst The Storm

 09 Oct 2022
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Anxiety, Christian Living, Peace, Security, Stress

Are anxiety and stress interfering with your daily life, work, and relationships? Learn how you can stop worrying and start thriving!

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

 02 Oct 2022
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Halloween

Some Christians celebrate Halloween by dressing up in a costume and having fun. Other Christians see Halloween as a day established to worship evil spirits and promote darkness and wickedness.

Who is right? Can Christians to celebrate Halloween without compromising their faith?

Let’s Talk About Sexuality

 17 & 18, 24 & 25 Sep 2022
 Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Family, Homosexuality, Identity, Sex, Sexuality

The recent repeal of Section 377A has stirred up debates. In these conversations, Christians may appear intolerant, self-righteous, and imposing to the world.

Learn about sexuality through the lens of Scripture and how we can respond in God’s love and truth.

The Forgotten Friend

 04 & 11 Sep 2022
 Yam Chien Meng, Pastor Michael
 Christian Living, Holy Spirit

We are familiar and are close with God and Jesus. What about the Holy Spirit?

Just like a friend, the Holy Spirit journeys with us through thick and thin. But sometimes we forget that He is in our life. Get to know the Holy Spirit so you can grow your intimacy with Him!

Not Done Yet – Focus Series 3

 20 & 21, 27 & 28 Aug 2022
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Discipleship, Focus2022

God has sent us into the world to glorify Him by being His witness. Find out how we can rely on God more and how He has set us apart for His mission.

Same Old Brand New You

 14 Aug 2022
 Pastor Dennis

Remember the things we used to chase: Idols, games, fashion trends.

What are we chasing today?

Is life all about searching for the next experience, job opportunity, or relationship? Or is there something more?

Mighty To Save

 30 & 31 Jul, 6 & 7 Aug
 Pastor Benny Ho, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Discipleship, Great Commission, Outreach, salvation

God has called our church to fulfil the Great Commission, and one of the ways is to love Singapore block by block, school by school. Learn biblical perspectives that will empower us to commit to loving our neighbours, schoolmates, and colleagues.

A Brick In His House

 16 & 17, 22 & 23 July 2022
 Pastor Dennis Loh, Pastor Jasmine Poon
 Belong, Christian Living, Church, contribute

Many structures of wood, brick and steel are built and established by the hands of man. Yet none of them, from shophouse to skyscraper, compares to the Church, the spiritual house of God.

Discover what makes up His House and how we are called to be part of it!

Beyond The Pay Grade

 10 Jul 2022
 Pastor Benny Ho
 Calling, Christian Living, Work

Call Of A Disciple

 11-12 Jun, 18-19 Jun, 25-26 Jun, 02-03 Jul 2022
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Yam Chien Meng, Pastor Daniel Tan, Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Discipleship, Matthew

In the final instalment of our Discipleship mega series, Jesus challenges His disciples to take the call of discipleship seriously. The choice is ours – which road to travel on, which voice to follow, which action to take – and it will determine the way we live today and forever more.

Refuse To Remain Silent

 05 Jun 2022
 Pastor Jasmine Poon
 Christian Living, Evangelism, Outreach

Are you afraid of messing up a conversation about the Gospel? The stakes feel so high that we end up not doing anything to avoid failing.

Although under house arrest, Apostle Paul refused to remain silent about the grace he had received and continued to proclaim the gospel. Glean on good principles and be encouraged to share our faith in every season and in any circumstance.

Can’t Touch This [Student]

 04 Jun 2022
 Aleron Lin
 Christian Living, Sex, Sin, Student

Not Done Yet – Focus Series 2

 14, 15, 21, 22 May 2022
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Daniel Tan

We tend to make conclusions about our future based on the here and now. But God knows everything from beginning to end, while we can only see things in bits and pieces.

Marvel at the sovereignty of God as we see how He leads Joseph on an ironic and turbulent path from a slave, to a prisoner, and then to a saviour.

Keep In Step [Student]

 07 May 2022
 Natasha Cheng

We often hear about the life transformation that happens after receiving Jesus into our lives. But is that really a guarantee? The Bible talks about displaying the fruit of the Spirit as we walk with God. As believers, how should we walk so that we can live a transformed life?

Freshmen’s Inferno

 07 May 2022
 Asst Pastor Wei Hong

Oblivious of each other’s secrets and fears, in this limited environment, freshmen all over the nation must focus only on their academics and social skills.
If you graduate from Inferno, you go to Paradise, where a dazzling future awaits you.


 08 May 2022
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Family Life

What makes a parent’s love so special? Join us to celebrate and honour the dads and mums in our lives, and discover how their love is a reflection of the greatest Love of all!

Faith And Family

 23 & 24 Apr, 30 Apr & 01 May
 Pastor Daniel Tan, Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Community, Family Life

FAMILY – Our greatest love? Or deepest heartache?

Beyond our experiences, what does God say about family? Explore how we can live out our faith in both our spiritual and natural families!

Easter 2022: Not The End

 16 & 17 Apr 2022
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Easter, Outreach, jesus, salvation

Seasons of struggle may make us think that life is hopeless and bleak.
But what if it’s not the end?
Jesus died a tragic death on the Cross. But His story didn’t end there.

Discover the Easter story – the story of you and God, and how He is still writing the story of your life.

Jesus On The Hot Seat [Student]

 02 & 09 April 2022
 Yeo Wei Hong, Chua Buan Hua
 Christian Living, Student, jesus

Which Is Better?

 27 Mar, 3 & 10 Apr 2022
 Pastor Dennis Loh, Max Jeganathan, Edric Sng
 Christian Living, Church, Truth

In this fast-changing world, we often grapple with choices that aren’t so black and white. Which is right? What is biblical? Or are both needed?

Examine these contemporary issues that are relevant to our faith and spiritual growth as a Christian.

Christianity: Fake News Part 2 [Tertiary]

 19 & 26 Mar 2022
 Kale Zheng Kai, Max Jeganathan
 Apologetics, tertiary

Last year, we discussed the existence of God and the resurrection of Christ. This year, join us as we explore more fundamental questions of the Christian faith – why God allows suffering and the exclusive claims of Christ.

Test Of A Disciple

 26-27 Feb, 05-06 Mar, 12-13 Mar, 19-20 Mar 2022
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Book Study, Christian Living, Matthew

How do we know whether a teabag works? When we place it in hot water.

A teabag adds flavour to the water around it, yet retaining its nature. Similarly, the test of a disciple is their ability to engage and influence the world without being tainted by it.

Discover how we can obey Jesus’ countercultural teachings while remaining unsullied by the world we live in!

Redeem The Screen! [Tertiary]

 12 & 19 Feb
 Aleron Lin, Natasha Cheng

Screens dominate our lives. They bring information and inspiration, but also carry temptations and stress. With a click, we can join conversations over an issue that interests us, yet are flooded with toxic opinions in the comments section.

Learn how to navigate the benefits and pitfalls of the online world, and live with truth and grace in this Internet age!


 12 Feb 2022
 Liaw Zheng Kai

The struggle to level up in a game.
Have you felt stuck in a game no matter how hard you try? Perhaps love feels like that too — we get heartstuck in our search for deep and meaningful relationships. This Valentine’s, discover what it takes to get out of being hardstuck with a love that truly fills us!


 06, 13 & 20 Feb 2022
 Pastor Michael, Yam Chien Meng, Pastor Daniel Tan
 Christian Living

Paradox: A seemingly absurd or contradictory statement which when investigated may prove to be well-founded or true (Oxford Dictionary).

Jesus used many paradoxes in His teachings which confounded religious leaders in His time. Discover how to mine the truths that Jesus wants to communicate to us through these paradoxes so we can be His true disciples!

Say No To Selfie [Tertiary]

 22, 29 Jan & 5 Feb 2022
 Aleron Lin, Tan Wei Xuan, Yeo Wei Hong

Apostle Paul warns that in the last days, people will be lovers of themselves – we will study hard, earn money, and do everything to get the best for ourselves.

Yet serving ourselves and being demanding of others can lead to emptiness and disappointment. How can we look beyond ourselves and to God?

The Greatness Of God [Ablaze]

 22, 29 Jan & 5 Feb 2022
 Liaw Zheng Kai, Natasha Cheng, Chua Buan Hua

We often sing about God’s love and we often talk about God’s presence. But there are so many other characteristics of God that we can discover.

Join us as we learn about the greatness of our God!

In Every Season

 22-23 Jan & 29-30 Jan 2022
 Pastor Dennis Loh, Pastor Timothy Yeo, Pastor Daniel Tan, Pastor Jasmine Poon
 Christian Living, Purpose

You wake up to a screeching alarm.
You squeeze into a crowded train.
You struggle to process what your boss or lecturer is saying.
You’re finally home and you’re tired.
You don’t quite remember what really happened throughout the day.

We are breathing, but are we really alive?
In the midst of the trivial and mundane, what makes life truly beautiful in every season?

Focus 2022

 08 & 09 Jan 2022, 15 & 16 Jan 2022
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Church, focus, vision

After 2 years of living with Covid-19, we could have learned to pick up new skills or broken new ground. We could also have suffered loss and battled anxieties, leaving us broken and lost.

Yet our all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God is still at work. Come and hear what He has in store for our church and personal lives as we move forward in 2022.

New Year New Passion

 01 & 02 Jan 2022
 Pastor Jasmine Poon
 Christian Living, Commitment, Faith

Has the pandemic fatigue diminished our drive and dulled our passion for the things of God? Step into the new year by reigniting our love for Jesus and learning how we can be extraordinarily and generously devoted to Him!

Gift Exchange

 04-05 Dec, 11-12 Dec, 18-19 Dec
 Pastor Dennis Loh, Pastor Timothy, Yam Chien Meng
 Christian Living

Christmas comes with something we either look forward to or dread – Gift Exchange!

Sometimes we don’t get what we want, while other times we can be pleasantly surprised. Regardless of our excitement towards receiving gifts, could there be some gift exchanges we never knew we needed?

Pivot Moments

 27 & 28 Dec 2021
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Church, Thanksgiving, focus2021

This year’s Focus ‘Pivot’ came very quickly in July 2020 and kickstarted just a few months later in November. As we close out 2021, come together to reflect how we have pivoted as a church and celebrate how God – His faithfulness and goodness – is still the same even in the new norm.

Ways Of A Disciple

 16 & 17 Oct, 23 & 24 Oct, 30 & 31 Oct, 6 & 7 Nov, 13 & 14 Nov, 20 & 21 Nov 2021
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Daniel Tan, Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Discipleship, Matthew

The saying “don’t aim for perfection because it does not exist” sounds right and good. But what about pursuing God’s standards?

Even as we rest in the truth that we are saved by grace alone, we are to press on to complete maturity. But what does it mean to be ‘perfect’? Discover how to strive to live to honour God rather than settle for the minimum standard.

I’m Fine

 10 Oct 2021
 Pastor Timothy
 Anxiety, Christian Living, Mental Wellness, Stress

How are you, really?

The prolonged pandemic has forced the world to radically change the way we live. Though we look fine on the outside, many of us face stress, fatigue, and loneliness.

Gain practical insight with our panel of mental health experts, and hear an encouraging message on how you can find peace in the battlefield of your mind.

The E Word

 26 Sep & 03 Oct 2021
 Pastor Daniel, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Evangelism, Missions

Is ‘Evangelism’ knocking on doors, giving gifts, or inviting people to events? While these could be effective methods, they do not capture the complete picture of what it means to evangelise.

Revisit and regain the deeper implications of evangelism as we explore how Jesus and His followers carried out their mission to preach the Good News.

One Life At A Time

 12 & 19 Sep 2021
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Discipleship

We may not be able to change the world but as Christian mentors, we can make a difference one life at a time. Examine the qualities that make a good Christian mentor and learn how to help God’s people to live a life of faith and love in any circumstance.

Fineprint Of Success

 04 Sep 2021
 Church, Faith

We all want to be successful – whether it’s in our grades, internships, or friendships. But are there underlying costs we don’t know about?

Watch this special production where a university student grapples with this question in the biggest interview of his life!

Holy Spirit

 29 Aug & 05 Sep 2021
 Pastor Jasmine, Pastor Michael
 Christian Living, Holy Spirit

We may know that the Holy Spirit exists and that He is powerful. However many of us go about our day without depending on Him.

Join us for a 2-part sermon series where we unpack truths about the Holy Spirit and how His presence and power can make a difference in our lives!

Keep It 100

 28 August 2021, 04 Sep 2021
 Natasha Cheng, Buan Hua
 Christian Living, Faith

Is the prolonged pandemic making school a drag?

We’re all in this together! Amidst the grind of HBL and fluctuating COVID-19 cases, learn how we can make sense of why we have to study and how we can give our best and live differently as a student!

Being A Covenanted Community

 14 - 21 August 2021
 Zhengkai, Weihong
 Christian Living, Church

Grow Deep Go Wide

 15 - 22 August 2021
 Joseph Chean, Reverend Daniel Khong
 Christian Living, Church

In this prolonged pandemic, many churches are turning to small groups to build connections and serve communities. Hear Joseph Chean and Pastor Daniel Khong share how our Life Groups can grow deep in discipleship and go wide in reaching others!

Love My City

 8 August 2021
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Church, Community

The Burning Bush

 01 August 2021
 Pastor Michael
 Christian Living, Church

Moses encountered God through a burning bush during the desert time of his life. Discover the events leading up to this encounter and hear a timely message of hope on how God is still at work in our lives during challenging times, such as this prolonged pandemic season.

Right Intimacy With God

 31 July 2021
 Isaac Ong
 Christian Living, Church

Do you pursue God for the ‘spiritual high’ and emotions, or for the apologetics and word-centric nature of the faith? Learn how we can pursue an intimacy with God that is both emotionally intimate and grounded in truth!

Guest Speaker: Isaac Ong, Cornerstone Community Church

Isaac grew up in church but only encountered God at age 17 in a refugee camp. Since then, Isaac has spent his life loving God with his obedience. Through music, missions, and messages, he hopes to shape society responsibly and help people encounter Jesus.

The Church

 18 & 24 July 2021
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Church, jesus

Quit The Rat Race

 11 Jul 2021
 Yam Chien Meng
 Christian Living, Purpose, Work

Ever felt your work is a rat race? Learn what drives this striving spirit within us for an endless, competitive, and often self-defeating pursuit for wealth or power, and how we as believers can run differently with God!

The Pursuit Of Success

 04 Jul 2021
 Max Jeganathan
 Christian Living, Purpose, Success

Freedom. Achievement. Happiness.
We look to these three things to define success. And sometimes we blindly pursue them to feel successful.
But, is there a better way to live? Is there more?

What does real success look like?

Overwhelmed | Underwhelmed

 03 & 10 Jul 2021
 Weihong, Tan Wei Xuan
 Christian Living

Leave The 99

 03 Jul 2021
 Liaw Zhengkai
 Christian Living, Faith

Heart Of A Disciple

 05-27 June 2021
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Daniel Tan, Aleron Lin, Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living

Make Room For God

 22 May 2021
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Purpose

Riding The Storms In Life

 09 May 2021
 Pastor Dennis
 Christian Living, Church

Darren and Evelyn have been married for 17 years and have 4 children. At one point, this family lived on a boat for 4 years, homeschooling their children while out at sea. Hear them share their unconventional story as well as principles that have helped them navigate through challenges in marriage, parenting, and life!

Love Hits

 08 - 15 May 2021
 Aleron Lin, Natasha Cheng
 Christian Living, Church, Love

We listen to many songs about love and get bombarded with different views on love. But do we truly understand what love should look like in our family and relationships?

Learn how we are to relate with our parents as Christians and reframe our perception of relationships towards what God intended!

Home Ground

 2 May 2021
 Senior Paster Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Family Life, Relationships


 1 May 2021, 10 July 2021
 Wei Hong, Buan Hua
 Christian Living

Isn’t life like a claw machine? It’s rigged.

No matter how much we try, some things just aren’t within our control. With odds stacked against us, can we still take a shot at what matters?

Experience the world of virtual reality, complete challenges in your teams of 5, and hear an inspiring message on how we can find meaning in giving our best in studies and friendship!

Empowered For Godly Living

 1 May 2021
 Zheng Kai
 Christian Living, Holy Spirit

Pivot: Ready For Change

 11 Apr 2021
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Humility

Easter 2021: Live Again

 4 April 2021
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living
“I just want to be able to live again.”
This was Michelle’s cry to God after her fiancé tragically passed on in a car accident, just months before their wedding. When death comes so suddenly, how is joy ever possible again? When the pains of life literally knock us breathless, how can we still live?

Sunday With Pastor Jeremy Seaward

 28 March 2021
 Pastor Jeremy Seaward
 Christian Living, Church

Jeremy Seaward pastors Victory Family Centre, a multi-national and multi-generational congregation. Together with his wife Charissa, they equip and release leaders and church planters to serve their generation and the nations of the world. Pastor Jeremy is a dynamic communicator who desires to see people fulfill their purpose.

Faith At Work

 21 Mar 2021
 Pastor Benny Ho
 Faith, Work

Christianity: Fake News?

 20 Mar 2021
 Aleron Lin
 Identity, Truth

Light Of The World

 20 Mar 2021
 Liaw Zheng Kai
 Christian Living


 07- 14 March 2021
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Church, Faith

Despite widespread economic hardships due to COVID-19, there has been an outpouring of generosity around the world.

Be it volunteering our time, donating money, or helping a stranger, generosity is a valued virtue. Learn about the generosity of God and how we can reflect His character in our giving as believers!

Best Foot Forward

 21 Feb 2021
 Yam Chien Meng
 Christian Living

Raised By The Internet

 20 Feb 2020
 Natasha Cheng
 Christian Living

Love Like Jesus

 07 Feb 2021
 Pastor Jasmine
 Christian Living, Love, forgiveness

Pivot – Circles & Rows

 16 Jan 2021
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Discipleship, Faith

First Things First

 03 - 10 January 2021
 Pastor Daniel Tan
 Christian Living, Church, Faith

As believers, we have died to our old self and are given a new life in Christ. With this new life comes a new priority. Learn from God’s word and glean practical wisdom from our panel on how we can live out our new life with this new priority in our family and workplace!

2021 Starter Kit

 02 - 09 January 2021
 Zhengkai, Aleron Lin
 Christian Living, Church

What would you choose to bring into 2021?

With everything that has happened in 2020, most of us are probably eager to start the new year with our best foot forward. Learn about the two essential choices you can make so you can be ready to step into all that’s in store for 2021!

Zooming Through 2020

 26 - 27 December 2020
 Natasha Cheng, Pastor Michael
 Christian Living, Church, Faith

2020 has been an incredibly rough time for the world, but let’s look back and reflect on the choices we made. As we Zoom into the learnings of the past, we can enter 2021 with joy and gratitude.

What’s Up With The Cross?

 12 May 2020
 Wei Hong
 Christian Living

The cross means many things to many people. Some have it displayed in homes, some wear it around their necks. It’s also a popular design motif in many artworks around the world. But what does it really stand for?

Discover the meaning of the cross and how its significance makes a difference in how we respond!

The Wonder Of Christmas

 06 Dec - 20 Dec 2020
 Dennis Loh, Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Christmas, Church

Heart For The Land

 05 Dec 2020
 Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Church

The Next Door Pastor

 29 Nov 2020
 Pastor Jasmine Poon
 Christian Living, Serving

Strength For The Weary

 28 Nov 2020
 Aleron Lin
 Anxiety, Christian Living, Stress

Focus 2021

 08 Nov 2020
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Claudia Chong
 Christian Living, Church, focus2021

Celebrating We Have Won

 1 Nov 2020
 senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, jesus

With all that is happening in the world today, the year 2020 may not seem to be filled with victories. However, God’s light shines the brightest when the times are darkest. Through the cross, in Christ, we have won. What is God doing in your life today? What are His promises for you?


 18 & 25 Oct 2020
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Zheng Kai, Yam Chien Meng
 Christian Living, Decision Making, God's Will

Today we have no lack of options. While having options can be a good thing, it can also bring confusion and anxiety in making decisions, which believers may feel as they discern God’s will for their lives.

Learn to address common fears and obstacles we may face in seeking God’s guidance, and how we can approach His will.

Thriving In A Confusing World

 10 May 2020
 Pastor Chua Seng Lee
 Anxiety, Christian Living, Faith

During these stressful and confusing times, how do we remain mentally and spiritually healthy? Let’s examine some of the reasons behind our stressors and discover how we can overcome them with God.

Master Of Our Mind

 04 Oct 2020
 Asst Pastor Dennis Loh
 Anxiety, Christian Living, Church, Mental Wellness

How do we know that we and our loved ones are doing well, mentally and emotionally? Join the conversation with mental wellness expert Dr Daniel Fung. Let us understand what truly constitutes the wellness of our minds and how we can look after ourselves and others!

Hitting The Stress Button

 03 Oct & 10 Oct 2020
 Natasha Cheng, Aleron Lin Yunian
 Christian Living, Church, Stress

How many times have you said, thought, or heard someone say they’re stressed?

Home-based Learning and new measures by our schools are shaking up our usual study routine and perhaps even our mental state too.
Discover insights from the Bible about what makes us stressed and learn how we can manage it better in our daily life!

Holy Spirit The Enabler Of Our Victory

 13 Sep - 27 Sep 2020
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Pastor Jasmine Poon
 Christian Living, Church, Holy Spirit

2020 is declared to be a year of victory, but we may feel beaten and helpless in this pandemic. How can we lift our eyes from what we see around us to the God who is above us? How can we remember and rejoice in the victory that He has won for us?
Discover how the Holy Spirit can empower us to live out and for the Gospel, and energise us in situations where we need God’s wisdom, power and hope!

Pressing The Reset Button For Marriage & Family

 6 Sep 2020
 Jason Wong
 Family Life, Marriage, Parenting

Mr. Jason Wong, Chairman of Focus on the Family (Singapore), shares how our faith can impact our relationships with our loved ones. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross, we can reset our marriages and parenting for the better!

The Cookie Cutter Life

 5 Sep 2020
 Pastor Timothy Yeo

House of Bricks

 30 Aug 2020
 Pastor Timothy
 Christian Living, contribute

Christ followers are builders commissioned to build God’s house. What are the right ways or proper attitudes to build the church? How can we build God’s house with care, so that we can “ace our appraisal” with God on the day of judgment?

Essential Worship

 16, 23 Aug 2020
 Calvin Hong (Awaken Generation), Pastor Shirley Melinda
 Christian Living, Worship

Victorious Living

 26 Jul-9 Aug 2020
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong, Zhengkai, Pastor Daniel
 Christian Living, victory

Work In The New Norm

 19 July 2020
 Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Church
Don’t waste a good crisis.
Hear Pan Pacific Group CEO Choe Peng Sum and Career Coach Gerald Tan share valuable insights on opportunities in this season to readjust, pivot and find new purpose.

Until Something Happens

 18 July
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Church

Wake up. Scroll insta. Try to study. Check Tele. Study for real. Space out. Netflix. Sleep. Repeat. Most of us live on autopilot… until something happens. Hear real stories of Brian, Guinevere and Eunice and find out what rocked the world they know, it might change yours too!

Hearts On Fire

 12 July 2020
 Pastor Lawrence Chua
 Christian Living, Discipleship, Faith

Good things are meant to be shared! And so too, the Good News of Jesus must reach many more out there. What practical actions can we take and how do we maintain our passion for evangelism?

The New Normal

 11 July 2020
 Pastor Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Church, Faith

Home-based learning. Circuit Breaker. Phase 1. Phase 2. What’s next?
Crises like this pandemic we are in come with many environment and lifestyle changes. In this constant state of flux, learn how to be adaptable to adjust to our surroundings, yet remain steadfast in our values.

The Night Is Coming

 5 Jul 2020
 Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
 Christian Living, End Time, Faithfulness

We His People

 7-28 June
 Pastor Timothy Yeo, Pastor Dennis Loh, Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Christian Living, Church, Faith

In this season, one who stays home, masks up and practises social distancing makes a good citizen of Singapore.

What then makes a good citizen of Heaven – living a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ? Join us to learn how we should live to enhance the reputation of Christ and bring glory to our Lord.

Takeaways From My Time With God (中英版)

 30 & 31 May 2020
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Calling, Christian Living

Hear Pastor Jeff share his personal reflections and learnings from his time away with God!

Church In Victory

 24 May 2020
 Pastor Alan Platt
 Christian Living, Church, Faith

What do identity and intimacy have to do with a victorious church?
As we continue to live in victory from the Cross, discover from the life of Jesus how these two aspects were foundational to His ministry on earth.

Hide & Seek

 17 May 2020
 Pastor Pacer Tan
 Christian Living, Faithfulness

It’s easy to hide from God when we are ashamed with our sin or want things our way. Yet God doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us – He seeks us out even when we hide from Him.

Even in the midst of our struggles and distractions, how can we seek God and hide in Him?

Purposeful Parenting

 10 May 2020
 Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Family Life, Parenting, Special Service

Parenting is a journey of love and joy, peppered at times with uncertainty and challenges. How do we navigate through these challenges and be purposeful Godly parents to our children?

Under One Roof

 19 April - 3 May 2020
 Eugene Seow, Michael Raditya
 Christian Living, Family Life
Joyful. Painful. Loving. Disappointing. Close. Drifted.
What is family really supposed to be like? In the good, the bad, and everything in between, how do we make sense of our family experiences and chart a path forward?
Join us as we look at life under one roof, navigating family relationships, and tapping into the potential of our families.

Jesus: The Purchaser of our Victory

 22 March - 11 April 2020
 Timothy Yeo, Daniel Tan
 Faith, jesus, victory

Despite knowing God, Israel broke their covenant with Him and lived in their own ways. Yet God, in His mercy, sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty of their sin.

As we celebrate and pursue victory in Christ, examine and rediscover the person of Jesus and the role He plays in God’s redemption plan.

Navigating Life’s Uncertainties

 17 March 2020
 Lucas Chow
 Christian Living, Purpose, Work

The COVID-19 virus has impacted our economy significantly. Singapore downgrades 2020 economic growth forecast indicating a possible downturn.

Lucas Chow is no stranger to challenging times. During the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, he was the CEO of MediaCorp and was asked to lay off at least 10% of the staff. Hear how he navigated through life’s uncertainties and what he holds certain as anchors for his life.

In God We Trust

 1 & 8 March 2020
 Timothy Yeo, Yam Chien Ming
 Christian Living, Faith, Stewardship

We need money for many things in life. Therefore, many of us think of ways to grow our money. But beyond the investments, passive income, and a handsome retirement fund, where does our trust lie?
Discover how we can view and handle money in a way that honours and displays a deeper dependence on the Giver and Provider of our lives.

God: The Anchor of our Victory

 10 - 24 February 2020
 Jeffrey Chong, Daniel Tan, Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Faith, victory

‘God cares for us!’ ‘Depend on God!’

How can we know that God really cares and if He is that dependable? Is He willing and able to enable us to live victoriously over our sin and in our struggles? In this 3-part series, explore the attributes of God that reflect how He is truly the anchor of our victory.

Coronavirus: How Should We Respond?

 1 & 2 February 2020
 Timothy Yeo
 Anxiety, Christian Living, Faith

With recent reports surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak, it is natural to feel concerned or even fear for the health of our loved ones. In this season, be encouraged and strengthened with a timely word on how we can respond.

Better Together

 19 January 2020
 Daniel Tan
 Christian Living, Church

The church is a diverse community of people who are different in family background, age, and personality. How can we keep God’s command to love one another when frustrations and hurts happen in church? Discover how we can stand together and shine for Christ!

Focus 2020: We Have Won

 5 & 12 January 2020
 Senior Pastor Jeff Chong
 Church, focus2020, victory

It’s amazing and yet sometimes hard to understand how Christ’s finished work on the Cross gives us freedom from our sins, struggles, and trials. In this new year, hear from Pastor Jeff on what our faithfulness to live for Christ and to witness for Him can look like, in our personal lives and as a church.

Rest Assured

 29 December 2019
 Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Faith, Work

Why do we still get tired and restless despite taking breaks? Is rest just about not doing any work? Discover how we can begin the new year with true rest in God.

We Are Young: Mismatched!

 28 December 2019
 Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Faith, Purpose

As 2019 closes, we may realise that some events have panned out differently from what we had in mind at first. Amidst the mismatch between expectations and reality, discover how we can still welcome the new year with hope.

A Fun-Filled Christmas With Hope: Game For Love

 21 & 22 December 2019
 Timothy Yeo
 Christmas, jesus, salvation

‘Game for Love’, our Christmas showcase, takes a peek into the life of Brian, a rising e-gamer who has to make a decision between love or his goals. Enjoy this drama with music, dance, and VR video experience!

Surprised by Christmas

 8 & 15 December 2019
 Daniel Tan, Dennis Loh
 Christmas, Faith, jesus

Beyond the lights, gifts, and food, Christmas is about the most remarkable moment in the history of mankind – God entering our world in the form of a helpless, crying infant.
The birth of Jesus was surrounded by suspense, interruptions, and amazement. When Jesus came into this world, lives around Him were transformed dramatically. This December, come and discover Christmas anew with us.

Behind the Scenes: The Unseen God at Work

 10 November - 1 December 2019
 Dennis Loh, Jeffrey Chong, Yam Chien Ming

Known as one of the most exciting stories ever written, the Book of Esther is about how Esther and Mordecai teamed up to save their fellow Jews from extinction during the Persian reign. Follow the fascinating twists and turns in the adventures of Esther and learn how we can deepen our faith in the sovereign God despite what we see or do not see.

More To Life

 3 November 2019
 Jeffrey Chong
 Christian Living, Purpose, Work

Life can be exciting when things are fresh and interesting. But when the initial thrill wears off, we often end up dealing with everyday trivial and routine matters.

Is there really all there is to life? Are our activities and busying bringing us somewhere meaningful? Join the search for significance.

Sunday with Chrishan Jeyaratnam

 27 October 2019
 Chrishan Jeyaratnam
 Christian Living

Hear an inspiring message from Pastor Chrishan, who leads Hillsong Perth together with his wife, Danielle. Chrishan has grown up in Hillsong Church since he was around seven and Danielle since her senior years in high school. They have four beautiful, cheeky and headstrong daughters. As a family committed to loving God and people, they are living the adventure that it is to build His Church!

Price Tagged

 26 October - 2 November 2019
 Timothy Yeo, Yeo Wei Hong
 Christian Living, Stewardship

A Forbes study conducted in the U.S. found that 60% of millennials spend more than $4 on a single coffee, and a significant number have less than $1,000 in their savings account or no savings at all.

What do you buy? Why do you buy it? In living for Christ, one of the greatest challenges believers will face is handling our money and possessions. Hear what Jesus has to say about money and learn how to master our wealth and invest in treasures that last.

What Do You Really Want?

 20 October 2019
 Alan Platt
 Christian Living, Faith, Purpose

We pursue many things in life, but what does it mean to pursue a life in God? Hear from Pastor Alan Platt, Senior Pastor of Doxa Deo Church on how we can live in freedom and purpose from the work of Christ on the cross.

A Man on a Tree

 15 October 2019
 Jeffrey Chong
 forgiveness, jesus, salvation

Zaccheus was the chief tax collector of one of the wealthiest and most influential cities. He had a lot of money, yet when he heard news of a famous teacher in town, he beat the crowds to catch a glimpse of this man… by climbing a tree.

Why on earth would a rich man scale such heights? What exactly did he seek? Did he find what he was looking for? Discover what intrigued Zaccheus, and how a casual passing-by led to an encounter beyond expectations!

Why Bother with God if I’m Happy?

 6 October 2019
 Max Jeganathan
 Christian Living, Faith

Happiness is one of the deepest longings of every human heart. We are one of the most comfortable, entertained, well-fed and leisured people ever in world history, so why bother with God? Join us as we explore these questions of the Christian faith and more.

Take Back Your Mind

 22 September - 2 October 2019
 Chua Seng Lee, Yam Chien Ming
 Anxiety, Peace, victory

Stress, fast-paced, constant change and evolving expectations – that is the world we live in. Find out how we can take back our minds in this age of anxiety and receive peace.

The Core Modules

 21 September - 5 October 2019
 Timothy Yeo, Aleron Lin, Yeo Wei Hong, Wong Jinjyue
 Christian Living, Faith, Studies

Our core cannot be seen most of the time, yet it is the one thing that holds everything together. When crises come and difficult decisions need to be made, our response reveals what we are really made of.
As Christ-followers, our faith can only be proved genuine when tested by fire. Learn how we can build our core today so that we can stand firm and last in the testing and trial of tomorrow.

It All Starts With…

 8 September 2019
 Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Church, contribute

The Church, the Body of Christ, is made up of believers from all walks of life. While each person plays a part in building the Church, each one is unique in contribution. How can we make sense of our diverse gifts as we gather as one Body?

Presence with JPCC

 2 September 2019
 Sidney Mohede
 Faith, Worship

Experience God’s Presence with our special worship service, led by Pastor Sidney Mohede and JPCC Worship! Regain your strength, courage and passion through soul-stirring songs that point us back to God.

Thank God It’s Monday

 4-18 August 2019
 Yam Chien Ming, Jeffrey Chong, Jeffrey Rachmat
 Calling, Christian Living, Work

From childhood to adulthood, we deal with the pressure to excel at school and at work. No wonder “thank God it’s Friday” is a popular catchphrase, while “Monday blues” describes the dread many of us feel when the week begins.
It can be hard to find meaning and satisfaction in our labour as we face challenges at work. But God cares deeply about how we are doing as employees and bosses. Discover what Scripture says about work and how we can approach the daily grind!

The Blessing of Financial Freedom

 30 July 2019
 Eugene Seow
 Christian Living, Work

Achieving financial freedom is a goal for many Singaporeans, but what does it really mean? Hear Pastor Eugene share from his heart on the significance of financial freedom for us as believers.

This Is Ablaze

 8 July 2019
 Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Church

Fight The Good Fight

 8 July 2019
 Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Faith

You Asked For It

 8-21 July 2019
 Daniel Tan, Dennis Loh, Michael Raditya

Many of us have questions about God and the Christian life. Explore three pertinent questions asked by everyday people examining the Christian faith.

Endgame: Becoming Future-Ready

 16 June - 8 July 2019
 Dennis Loh, Jeffrey Chong, Michael Raditya, Daniel Tan
 Christian Living, Discipleship, Faith

In this fast-changing world, the need to be ‘future ready’ is growing more prevalent. Governments, businesses, and schools navigate future challenges with good foresight, keeping up with the times, and develop resilience in the face of adversity.
But what does Scripture say about the endgame that believers need to prepare for? In this 4-part series on 2 Peter, explore Peter’s instructions for believers to be future-ready in the way that God wants His people to be.

Hope Conference 2019

 1 & 2 June 2019
 Jeffrey Chong, Joseph Chean, Pastor How & Pastor Lia, Benny Ho
 Christian Living, Church, Conference
The world has always been watching the people of God. Non-Christians would either persecute the church out of hostility, or be drawn to the church out of admiration and curiosity.
How we conduct ourselves makes a difference to those around us. Hear how God is calling our church to live, so that the world will know Him.

Light of The World

 19 & 26 May 2019
 Michael Raditya, Dennis Loh
 Calling, Church, Missions

Missions is often seen as something only for the ‘super spiritual’ believers who are willing and able to uproot themselves and settle in an unfamiliar land. But God is a global God with a global mission.

Enlarge your heart and view on how God prepares His church for missions, and how we should respond to His leadership on the missions ground.

Bold & Beautiful: Mother’s Day Special

 12 May 2019
 Jocelyn Chng
 Christian Living, Work

Jocelyn was her family’s chief breadwinner at 21 and a widow with three sons at 37. Today, she is the driving force behind JR Group, and ‘Chef-In-Box VendCafe’, Singapore’s first unmanned vending-machine cafe. Hear how she journeyed through years of personal pain and tough business hurdles to emerge as the successful entrepreneur and mother she is today.

The Forgotten Virtue of Gratitude

 5 May 2019
 Benny Ho
 Christian Living, Faith

A happy person may not be thankful, but a thankful person will always be happy. Hear Pastor Benny Ho, known for his down-to-earth humour and relatable preaching, share a message on how we can and should remain grateful amidst life challenges!

Lessons of Life

 27 April - 11 May 2019
 Various Speakers
 Christian Living, Friendship, Identity, Studies

Do you sometimes feel stuck or lost in this journey of life? Enroll in Hope’s 3-week crash course on friendship, self, and community, and learn how you can make your one life worth living!

Easter 2019: Viral

 21 April 2019
 Jeffrey Chong
Frustrated by a cyclist hogging the lane? Unhappy with an army boy sitting on the reserved seat? Angry with your private-hire driver? Take a picture. Record them. Make them famous.
Inspired by real-life incidents, Hope Singapore presents ‘Viral‘ – a comedy-drama that takes a witty look into some of Singapore’s most trending stories. This Easter, discover the truths behind the unforgiving world of the internet.

Because He Lives

 7 & 14 April 2019
 Yam Chien Meng, Jeffrey Chong
 Christian Living, Easter, Faith

Christians all over the world sing about the resurrection of Christ. But have we ever pondered the significance of this event?

This Easter, examine the eyewitness accounts of the risen Christ and discover why we can be confident of our beliefs and transformed by our faith.

Sex: The Elephant In The Room

 24 & 31 March 2019
 Daniel Tan, Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Relationships, Sex

Sex is everywhere – in movies, advertisements, and jokes – yet it still remains an awkward subject to talk about. Even as we avoid discussing sex, sexual issues often find us in our life and relationships.

Discover how we can receive God’s freedom to live above societal norms and glorify Him in a world that glorifies sex.


 3-17 March 2019
 Jeffrey Chong, Timothy Yeo
 Calling, Christian Living, Church

As we move forward in a new chapter to fulfil The Great Commission, it is important to examine and remember why we do what we do.

Learn the values that anchor our mission to love neighbours, make disciples, and plant churches.

One Step Closer

 24 February 2019
 Timothy Yeo
 Christian Living, Discipleship

Apostle Paul is one of the most well-known disciples in the early church who planted more churches than any of the other disciples. But Paul did not become a faith-filled missionary overnight. Discover how and why he left behind his old life after his conversion, to pursue the new life that God had for him.

The Wonder of Miracles

 10 & 15 February 2019
 Dennis Loh, Yam Chien Meng
 Authority, Faith, Miracles, Prayer

Have you seen the wonder of Miracles, or do you simply wonder if miracles exist?

Jesus drew large crowds whereever He went 2,000 years ago, because of the power and compassion He displayed. Witness these acts of wonder, reach out for a divine touch, and believe God for a miracle.

Sunday with Alan Platt: From Concern to Compassion

 3 February 2019
 Alan Platt
 Calling, Christian Living, Church, Missions

Alan Platt is founder of Doxa Deo Churches, which currently serves 30,000 people across South Africa, the United Kingdom, Germany, and New Zealand. Alan Platt is an inspiring, visionary leader who has not just prayed for citywide change, he has led it. He created a movement of unified churches working together for radical city transformation. His journey from concern to compassion will move you to believe God for the miraculous.

Focus 2019: Let The World See

 27 January 2019
 Jeffrey Chong
 Calling, Church, focus2019
The world has always been watching the people of God. Non-Christians would either persecute the church out of hostility, or be drawn to the church out of admiration and curiosity.
How we conduct ourselves makes a difference to those around us. For our focus this new year, come hear how God is calling our church to live, so that the world will know Him.

This Is Hope

 19 January 2019
 Jeffrey Chong
 Calling, Church

What makes us ‘Hope‘? What do we do? Why do we do it?
Discover God’s special calling and vision for our church as we birth into a new movement together.

First Things First

 6 & 10 January 2019
 Timothy Yeo, Dennis Loh
 Christian Living, Faith, Work

Through the most difficult circumstances and harshest opposition, Jesus holds onto His Father’s way and word with amazing confidence and tenacity. As we kickstart the year 2019, learn how we can put ‘First Things First’ from the only Man in Scripture who consistently puts God first.