Ministry Type: Guest Relations
- Engage, welcome and host new guests during church services
- Proactively acquaint new guests and help to connect them to the church community
- Ensure cleanliness of the Parents’ Lounge
- Assist new parents with the Parents’ Lounge facilities
- Take babies’ temperature and check for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease symptoms
- Create warm and welcoming atmosphere
- Give clear directions, hand out brochures, serve Holy Communion elements and collect offering bags
- Assist guests with special needs
- Crowd control
• Ensure that the Axis Pastors Room is stocked up & clean for weekend service
• Be present backstage with invited guests and VIPs during special weekend services and Hope Conference
• Prepare and serve refreshments for invited guests
• Work with Guest Relations staff to prepare hospitality aspects such as hosting invited speakers during
special events
- Organise and pack church resources for weekend services and event
- Ensure tidiness of back seat pockets
• Purchase/order breakfast on Sundays
• Plan for Special Services – themed food, attractive table set ups
• Prepare and serve breakfast to guests