Series: First Things First
Text: Matthew 26:36-46
Series: First Things First
Doing God’s work can be challenging. During the last moments of His ministry on earth, Jesus wrestled to complete the Father’s work. What can we learn from Jesus’ example in how to put God’s work first?
1) Pursue authentic relationship in the community
Jesus yearned for the disciples to understand what He was going through in order to accomplish the Father’s will. Every believer needs support and encouragement to do God’s work. Recall moments when the support of the community made a difference to you as you do your ministry. How can you be a better support and encouragement to others? What are some ways the LG can intentionally encourage people to be open about the challenges they face in ministry, and help them to find support within the community?
2) Align our will to God’s in prayer
List your top 2-3 plans/resolutions for 2019. Do they involve God’s work? Why? Our desires do not always align with God’s will for us. Recall moments when our desires contradict that of God’s. How did we feel? What did we choose to do in the end? Jesus showed us that we can wrestle in prayer when we struggle between doing our will or doing God’s will. Currently, which aspect of God’s will are you struggling with? Reflect on how you pray when you feel this way. What do you usually pray about? What is the outcome of your prayer? How should the way Jesus prayed in Gethsemane influence the way you pray? How should Jesus’ decision influence the way you make decisions? How can the LG help every member to find strength in submitting to God?
3) Persevere to complete God’s work
What are the common struggles and temptations believers encounter while doing God’s work? Why do you think some could not persevere? Read Heb 4:15-16. How does knowing that Jesus can empathise with you change the way you respond to temptations? Share some of your milestones as you stay the course to do God’s will. What did you learn about God and yourself? What would you say to someone who may be going through similar challenges as you? What can the LG do to spur one another on to finish the race?
Text: Luke 4:1-13
Series: First Things First
The new year brings new goals and resolutions. As we devote focus and energy to fulfilling these goals, have we considered what God may want for us or think of our plans? What does it mean to put God’s way first?
Discussion Guide
1) Trust God to meet our needs (1-4)
As Singaporeans living in a fast-paced society, we often feel the stress of the demands of life. This is true whether we are students, young graduates or veterans in the workforce. Along with demands come needs. List some common needs people share. What are some examples of instances where we tend to take matters into our own hands to meet our needs our way without considering God? Why do you think we like to do things our way? What would usually hinder us from believing that God has a better way of meeting our needs?
How did God meet a need you once had? What did you learn about God from that incident? What are some needs we have currently that we worry about the most? Read Matthew 6:32-34. The God who provided for us in the past is continuing to provide for us. What does a life that trusts in God look like? Instead of constantly searching to meet our needs, what should the believer be occupied with? What are some practices the Life Group can develop that encourage us to trust God to meet our needs?
2) Trust in God’s plan for our lives (5-8)
As we cross into the new year, many of us may have set new year resolutions to fulfill. How do you think God would feel about your plans? Read Romans 8:28-29. What do you think is God’s plan for your life? What resolutions do you think God would want us to have? Why do you think God allows us to go through difficult times sometimes? Conversely, why do you think the devil wants us to receive materially sometimes? Knowing that the devil can use pleasures and riches to draw us away from God, how then should we approach money, promotions, and statuses (and other things that society values)?
Often the devil tempts us to take shortcuts, to avoid the pain and take the quickest or easiest path to success. Why do you think shortcuts are attractive? What kind of shortcut appeals most to you? Why are shortcuts from the devil dangerous? Conversely, God’s plan is often the longer, narrower and less travelled path. Why would anyone want to take God’s path? Why do you think many fail to stay the course? What is the Life Group doing to support one another to continue on God’s path?
3) Trust in God completely (9-13)
We test someone only when we don’t trust them. What are some areas believers test God in? How do you think God feels when His people test Him or challenge Him to prove His love or power to them? Read Ps 78:17-31. Why do you think God feels this way?
We test God when we don’t trust that He truly loves us. If you have to pick one evidence that shows that God loves you, what would it be? Read Romans 5:8 – what is the unshakeable evidence of God’s love according to Paul? How is the love of God unique and distinct from any other loves that the world offers? Why is that when we are convinced of His love, we can face the crises of life with confidence? What are some ways we can go deeper in the love of God that was shown perfectly on the cross?
Reflection Questions
1) Trust God to meet our needs (1-4)
List some common needs people share. Instead of constantly searching to meet our needs, what should the believer be occupied with? What are some practices the Life Group can develop that encourage us to trust God to meet our needs?
2) Trust in God’s plan for our lives (5-8)
Knowing that the devil can use pleasures and riches to draw us away from God, how then should we approach money, promotions and statuses (and other things that society values)? Read Romans 8:28-29. What do you think is God’s plan for your life? What resolutions do you think God would want us to have?
3) Trust in God completely (9-13)
We test God when we don’t trust that He truly loves us. Read Romans 5:8 – what is the unshakeable evidence of God’s love according to Paul? Why is that when we are convinced of His love, we can face the crises of life with confidence? What are some ways we can go deeper in the love of God that was shown perfectly on the cross?