Text: Genesis 2:4-20
Series: Thank God It’s Monday
Discussion Guide
1) Work is a Gift from God (vv. 4-15)
Many do not see work as a gift from God. Why do you think this is so? What are most people’s view of work? The fact that God included man in his work at the beginning of the world shows that work is a privilege and grace that man doesn’t deserve. Put yourself in Adam’s shoes – how do you think you would feel, knowing that the Creator entrusts to you his precious creation to care for it? God graciously provided everything Adam needed to do his work well. How has God provided for you so that you could do your work well? Reflect carefully on your work for the past week – do you see traces of God’s grace at your workplace? What are they? Since work is a gift from God, how should we approach the gift as a way to thank and honour the Giver? Some of us enjoy our work, perhaps to the extent of loving it so much that we work at the expense of our relationship with God. How does seeing work as a gift from God prevent us from prizing it over the Giver? What are some safeguards we need to establish so that our work, while a good thing, does not become our idol and become the centre of our lives?
2) Work is to be Done in God’s Way (vv. 16-17)
Do you think that some Christians may have the idea that “God is only present in the church building but not at the office”? What is wrong with that view? What happens if Christians separate their work life from their worship life? If we really believe that God is present at our workplace and cares about our work, why is it important to do our work God’s way? In the garden of Eden, God gave Adam freedom and yet He also set boundaries. Why do you think God sets boundaries for our work? Why do you think some people cross the line at times? What are some common temptations people face at work? In a hostile work environment, it can be challenging to do work God’s way when we face much pressure to do otherwise. How can Christians stand firm? What are some ways we can find encouragement or support to honour God at our work? Knowing how to do work God’s way can be complex with ethical dilemmas and tricky politics. What are some ways we can grow in wisdom at work?
3) Work is Meant to be a Partnership with God (vv. 5, 19-20)
When God created Adam, work is meant to be enjoyed in the garden of Eden together with God. Our relationship with God steers our view of work and our conduct at the workplace. What are some attitudes or behaviour a Christian who is walking right with God would exhibit at work? Which attitude would you want to grow in? It is God, not our work, who gives us our worth and purpose. What are some simple spiritual habits we can practise from now on to be more aware of God’s partnership in our workplace? How can we better partner with God at work?
Reflection Questions
1) Work is a Gift from God (vv. 4-15)
Since work is a gift from God, how should we approach the gift as a way to thank and honour the Giver? How does seeing work as a gift from God prevent us from prizing it over the Giver?
2) Work is to be Done in God’s Way (vv. 16-17)
If we really believe that God is present at our workplace and cares about our work, why is it important to do our work God’s way? In a hostile work environment, it can be challenging to do work God’s way when we face much pressure to do otherwise. How can Christians stand firm?
3) Work is Meant to be a Partnership with God (vv. 5, 19-20)
What are some attitudes or behaviour a Christian who is walking right with God would exhibit at work? What are some simple spiritual habits we can practise from now on to be more aware of God’s partnership in our workplace?