Title: Anchored in God’s compassion
Text: Exodus 3:7-10
Series: God The Anchor Of Our Victory
Through the cross, God has given us victory. Find out how God’s compassion enables us to overcome the sins and struggles of our lives.
1) God Knows Our Struggles (v7)
God is keenly aware of our struggles and cares for us. However, we sometimes are reluctant to be honest with God and ourselves regarding our struggles. Why is that so? Discuss.
What are some areas in our lives that we are struggling with today? How does understanding that God knows our struggles affect the way we view and respond to them?
2) God Acts In Our Struggles (v8)
Not only does God deliver us from our struggles (“out of Egypt”), He brings us into a life of victory (“into the Promised Land”). As believers we take heart in the blessed hope in Christ’s second coming and the eternal life we have. In your current struggle, what does victory look like? How can we hang on to our blessed hope? What are some areas of our lives that need to be changed in order for victory to happen?
The nature of victory requires that there is a struggle to begin with. How does knowing that victory will come refine and shape the way we approach our struggles?
Often, the greatest struggle amidst our struggles is choosing to depend on God and not on ourselves. What leads us to depend on ourselves in the first place? In our struggles, what are some ways in which we have been depending on ourselves? What difference would choosing to depend on God make?
3) God Sends Deliverers For Our Struggles (v9-10)
God sent Moses and worked through him to deliver Israel. Similarly, God often uses people to help us in our struggles. Who are some of the existing and potential deliverers in your lives? How open are we to allowing these deliverers to help us in our struggles, and why? What are some steps we can take to involve them more?
As Christians, God can and will use us to be deliverers for the many people He has positioned around us. What hinders us from being God’s deliverers? In what ways can you be a deliverer for the people around you? How can you partner with your LG members to be deliverers to the people around you?
Light is brightest in the darkest night. As Christians, how can we respond differently to crises such that we are truly shining for Jesus, both in our mindsets and our behaviours?