Acts 10:23b-48
Series: Light of The World
God has commissioned every Christian to be a messenger of the Gospel and to make disciples of all nations. How can we obey His call to serve on the missions field?
Discussion Guide
1) Prioritise God’s commands above man’s demands (23b-33)
What are some situations where we commonly experience a conflict between what God requires of us and what man wants from us? What drives our decisions during such times? For some of us, prioritising God’s commands requires us to first know what they are. To do so, we need to grow in our understanding of God. What are some understanding or view of God that you need to work on? How can mentors and the LG help us to grow in our understanding of God? Or we may already know God’s commands, but we struggle with the will to carry them out. What are some usual hindrances we face? What would help us to overcome these hindrances?
Obeying God doesn’t mean that we completely disregard cultural traditions or customs. Some are aligned with godly values, some are not. When human traditions or rules contradict God’s commands, it is time to take a stand. What are some traditions or practices in your family, community or workplace that may seem ‘normal’ or harmless but may not be God-honouring? How can we support Christians struggling to choose between God’s commands and man’s demands? Recall a time when you had to make such a decision. What did you do, and what did you learn from that experience? If you could turn back time, what would you have done differently or continued to do?
2) Proclaim the Gospel boldly (34-43)
Our church does outreach via BFMP (Bless, Fellowship, Minister, Proclaim). BFM gives the context and impetus for Proclaim. Do you struggle to proclaim? List down the top concerns you have or the common obstacles you encounter. To proclaim does not mean we have to close the deal i.e. ensure that our hearer converts. Only God can convict and convert hearts. Our role is to obey God by witnessing for Christ and leaving the outcome to Him. How does knowing that we do not need to have all the answers or take charge of the outcome encourage a believer to share the Gospel boldly?
As we share the Gospel, we should let the Spirit work through us to bring people to a state where eventually, they may acknowledge their sins and their need for forgiveness. This process usually takes time and requires courage on our part. Do you struggle to share this aspect of the Gospel to your friends or loved ones? What are your concerns or fears? What do you think will happen to people if they do not realise the severity of their sins? Do you think they can truly appreciate the Cross? Why? Look through Scripture for how Jesus or the apostles approached the topic of sin. What was their attitude or motivation? What were the reactions of their hearers? What can you learn from their examples?
3) Keep up with the Holy Spirit (44-48)
From verses 44-46, we see that God moved in the hearts of Peter’s hearers and gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit. We can be assured that the Spirit is with us and He is doing the work in people’s hearts when we are serving on the missions field, be it is overseas or local. How does this assurance of His presence motivate believers to take bold, faithful steps to make disciples of all nations?
Often, the Spirit works in ways we do not expect. He may disrupt us or surprise us with unpredictable outcomes. Our role is to flow with His leadership. How do you think you can prepare yourself to keep up with the Spirit? What would affect your sensitivity to Him? What are some simple practices the LG can establish to build one another’s awareness of the Spirit? What are some attitudes or understandings you would need to change or reinforce so that you can be more obedient to the Spirit?
How can you be a Peter to a Cornelius today? Who may the Spirit be leading you to so that he/she may have the opportunity to find out more about Jesus?
Reflection Questions
1) Prioritise God’s commands above man’s demands (23b-33)
What are some traditions or practices in your family, community or workplace that may seem ‘normal’ or harmless but may not be God-honouring? How can we support Christians struggling to choose between God’s commands and man’s demands?
2) Proclaim the Gospel boldly (34-43)
Only God can convict and convert hearts. How does knowing that we do not need to have all the answers or take charge of the outcome encourage a believer to share the Gospel boldly?
3) Keep up with the Holy Spirit (44-48)
How can you be a Peter to a Cornelius today? Who may the Spirit be leading you to so that he/she may have the opportunity to find out more about Jesus?