Pivot: Ready For Change (3/3): Receive With Joy
Series: Ready for Change
Title: Receive with Joy
Text: James 1:2-4
Christ followers are not shielded from hardship. In fact the Bible tells us to receive trials with joy, which may sound strange to many. Why are Christians able to be joyful in hard times?
General Questions:
1) What is the difference between joy and happiness? What does having joy look like in the midst of a difficult time?2) What is James’ argument for having joy when we go through tough times? What does God want to do in our lives through trials? What is the goal of the Christian Life?
Perspective Questions:
1) Receiving trials with joy does not mean that we ignore our grief, fears and doubts. How do you think our joy can co-exist with our sadness and uncertainty?2) Discuss the differences between tolerance and perseverance. Share how God tested your faith and developed perseverance in you. How did you find the strength to persevere?
Application Questions:
1) What can we do as an LG to highlight the goodness of God as He does His refining work in us?2) “In trials, we want to fix the issues, but God wants to fix us.” How do you think God is refining you at this moment? Share how you can cooperate with God as you let perseverance finish its work.