1) What do you think it mean to declare “we will serve the Lord”? What are some obstacles or inconveniences you face as you try to serve God together as a family (for those with believing household members)? How can you work around them?
Who and what we choose to worship today determines the decisions we will make in the future. Find an opportunity to pray (together with believing household members, if any) to commit to worship and serve God in your life.
2) God places us in families. The part we play in our families cannot be delegated or pushed away. Are there family members who have not placed their faith in Jesus? What part can you play in helping them know and believe in Christ, especially in this COVID-19 season?
If the message of the gospel is best seen in family members, how do you think you can grow in Christlikeness and be a better ambassador for Christ at home (2 Cor 5:20)? Share with your community what steps you can take in everyday living.