
Generous (1/2): The Generosity Of God

7 March 2021
Timothy Yeo, Pastor

Series: Generous
Title: The Generosity of God
Text: 1 Chron. 29:10-12

What does the generosity of God mean to us? How does it shape or change the way we handle our finances or material well-being?

General Questions:
1) Read 1 Chron. 29:10-11. What are some attributes of God highlighted by David?

2) Read 1 Chron. 29:12. What does it say about God’s character that He gives strength and power to people? What are other verses that highlight God’s generosity?

Perspective Questions:
1) Which do we struggle to trust or appreciate more – God’s sovereignty or His goodness? How has it affected our lives?

2) “People are not generous because they do not grasp how generous God is toward them.” Do you agree with this statement? Why?

3) List some ways God has been generous to you. What do you think about the fact that He is so generous, He even gave His Son to save you from sin?

Application Questions:
1) Tithing is our faithful response to the generous God who meets our needs. How would you encourage a believer to tithe? How would you help him or her to work on trusting in God’s generosity?

2) If we do not appreciate God’s generosity toward us, we tend to develop a sense of entitlement and think that He owes it to us to give us what we want. As an LG, how can we look out for one another so that we will not fall into the entitlement trap? How can we help each other to appreciate God’s generosity towards us?

3) The generosity of God spurred David to contribute his personal treasures(1 Chron. 29:3). In biblical times, the king’s personal property was his insurance in the case of unforeseen political crises or natural disasters. By giving his personal treasures, David was risking his material well-being and putting his personal security in God’s hands. How can the LG challenge one another to exhibit the same kind of faith that David had?