Series: True Spirituality in Christ: A Book Study on Malachi
Title: Awaiting God’s Promises
Text: Malachi 3:13-4:6
At times, our efforts to be faithful to God and serve Him may not reap the results we desire to see. Sometimes, we even wonder if it is worth it especially when those who do not follow God seem to lead better lives. What perspectives can we hold on to in order to remain faithful as we await God’s promises?
General Questions
- At times, our unmet expectations cause us to feel discouraged and wonder if it is worth it to be faithful to God. Share about a time where you had such an experience and what helped you through it.
Perspective Questions
- We can sometimes erroneously conclude that God is unjust when we try to make sense of God’s apparent failure to perform according to our expectations. What are some ways we can avoid reaching such ‘wrong’ conclusions about who God is when we experience a mismatch between reality and our expectations?
- What are some helpful perspectives to hold on to when we do not seem to reapthe results of our faithfulness to God inthe here and now?
Application Questions
- What is one practical step you can take to remember your hope in God’s promises as you journey with Him?
- Our Christian journey is a marathon, not a sprint. What are some ways we can help ourselves to last the marathon as we await God’s promises?