
Zooming Through 2020 (Adult)

27 December 2020
Michael Raditya

Title: Zooming Through 2020
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

What choices does God want us to make today, in 2021 and beyond?

1. God wants us to rejoice always (v. 16)

Why is it that Christians always have a reason to rejoice? Think about a past or current challenging circumstance, how easy or difficult was it to choose to rejoice? How can we encourage one another to choose to recognize God’s goodness in our lives even when we may not be experiencing feelings of happiness?

2. God wants us to pray continually (v. 17)

Prayer changes things and prayer changes us. Ultimately, prayer draws us closer to God. Personally, do you view prayer more as relational or transactional? Why? What can encourage you to keep on praying even in situations when you do not seem to see any changes at all?

3. God wants us to give thanks in all circumstances (v 18a)

Giving thanks in all circumstances is not the same as giving thanks for all circumstances. Do we find it harder to give thanks in prosperity or in adversity? Why? As a community, how can we encourage each other to give thanks in all circumstances in 2021?