Topic: Belong
Series: The Next Step
Title: To Belong
Text: Romans 12:3-5
In every season, we all need to grow and mature in our faith. In belonging to a local church, we are to view ourselves with humility and view others with necessity.
General Questions:
- Look at the ABCD Grow journey ( Which stage are you at currently?
- Think back on a time where your church community supported you during a difficult time or helped you to grow in your faith. Share how this incident shaped your view on the importance of belonging to the local church.
Perspective Questions:
- What are some common dangers when a believer measures himself against worldly standards? How would Paul’s instruction to measure ourselves against the Gospel (v3) strengthen our relationship with God?
- Although our faith is personal, Paul makes it clear that we need one another in the body of Christ (v4-5). What are some myths about interdependent living that some believers may have regarding belonging to a church?
Application Questions:
- How willing and open are you to share your life with others in your LG? How involved are you in the lives of others in the LG? What is one small step you can take to do so?
- A united church is not a homogenous/uniform entity. We need diverse skills to meet many needs. What is one individual gift you can contribute to the LG or church?
In every season, we all need to grow and mature in our faith.
Title: Step Out & Step In
Series: A Brick In His House
Text: Ephesians 6:10-20
Christ calls us out from our former lives to a relationship with Him and become part of His Church. Let’s explore the importance of belonging to a local church that we may be reminded of the privileges and responsibilities of belonging to a local church.
General Questions:
Do you belong to a local church and a life group? Why do you think it is important to be part of the local church?
Perspective Questions:
The church community is not perfect, and we may rub each other the wrong way. What are the challenges or hurts that you experienced in God’s community? What are the lessons that you learnt or areas that you have grown as a result?
The church community does not wait for war to be ready – it is ready during peace time, it never lets its guard down. How do you think a church community can become complacent and unprepared? What does it take for a church community to be prepared?
The Bible warns us that we will face spiritual battles that could shake our faith and draw us away from God if we are not prepared. What are some spiritual battles that we may face? What is the danger in thinking that we can face such battles on our own? What is the advantage of facing spiritual battles with the community of God?
Application Questions:
How does knowing that we are supposed to watch one another’s back in spiritual warfare change the way we relate with our church community?
A life group is not just another social group, but one where Christ is at the centre of our relationship and the word of God is the foundation of our relationship. Besides learning the Word together, how do you think your life group be a Word-centred community?
Series: A Brick In His House
Title: From Stones to a House
Text: N.A.
Many structures of wood, brick and steel are built and established by the hands of man. Yet none of them, from shophouse to skyscraper, compares to the Church, the spiritual house of God.
Discover what makes up His House and how we are called to be part of it!
General Questions:
How did you come to Hope Church? Why did you eventually decide to stay and root yourself here?
What do you think are the purposes of the church?
Perspective Questions:
1 Peter 2 talks of Jesus as the cornerstone of the Church. Read up about the functions of the cornerstone in ancient buildings (foundation, reference point, alignment). How should knowing the role Jesus plays in the church affect the way we view and be involved in church? What does it mean for us as believers today?
Some people think of church as a service, building or organisation. How does the bible define the church? How should I consider my role as a member of the church?
“I love Jesus but not the church!” is a refrain we hear. Is it possible to be a follower of Christ without the church? What are the dangers of not having a community to support your journey?
Application Questions:
Being part of a community is difficult. Why should we still love the church and be a part of it despite its imperfections? What should I do in a church that is imperfect? What role do we play in the church?
In our fast-paced society, we have so many other things fighting for our attention. Why should we prioritise the church? What does it look like? How can the life group aid your journey to put Jesus first?
Many structures of wood, brick and steel are built and established by the hands of man. Yet none of them, from shophouse to skyscraper, compares to the Church, the spiritual house of God.
Discover what makes up His House and how we are called to be part of it!