Topic: Commitment
- If an electronic device is broken, do you prefer to repair or buy a new one? In an affluent society, we are used to discarding rather than fixing stuff. How does this mindset influence our view of relationships and marriages?
- In today’s society, people do not like the idea of commitment. What do you think are the reasons why people may shy away from commitment in marriage? What does it reflect about what these people value?
- Why do you think God values marital faithfulness so much? What does it reflect about Him and His desires for us?
- Why is accountability in our marriage important? Are there specific boundaries we may need to set to safeguard our marriage? Are there pastoral leaders whom we can choose to be accountable to?
- For married couples, it is difficult for us to die to self and love our spouse sacrificially without God’s empowerment. What is one challenge in your marriage that you need to ask the Holy Spirit to empower you in? Think of a specific example and commit to allowing God to change you.
- For couples, what is one practical step you need to take together to strengthen your marriage? Some possible ideas include:
– Taking up a love challenge (e.g. 40 Day Fire Proof Love Challenge)
– Setting aside a “date night” weekly
– Praying for one another regularly - For courting couples and singles, drawing close to God before marriage will prepare us to weather storms in our future marriages. What are some practical action steps we can take to draw close to God?
Series: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Title: Mad but Staying
Text: Song 5:2-6:3
It is normal for a relationship to experience conflicts and difficulties. How then can we navigate through these conflicts and stay in the relationship biblically despite conflicts and difficulties?
General Questions:
- Conflicts are bound to arise in any relationship, and especially so in a marriage, where two people come together and share their lives closely and intimately with one another. For married and courting couples, what are some things or issues that trigger conflict in your relationship? How do you usually deal with these conflicts? What can you learn from the practical ways to handle conflict from the sermon?
- For singles, we will encounter conflict in other relationships with our family and friends. How do you usually respond when you encounter conflict in these relationships? What can you learn from the practical ways to handle conflict from the sermon?
Perspective Questions:
- Do you agree that community is important to support us in our relationship? Do you have such a support system? If not, what are ways that you can build the support system? Conversely, how do you think you can be open and guided by the Holy Spirit to speak into the lives of others, as part of God’s community?
- Divorce rates are on the rise, and irreconcilable differences arising from inability to resolve conflicts and differences are often cited as reasons for divorce. What do you think are some reasons that couples find it hard to stay in a marriage? How do you think we can practically apply biblical values such as love, forgiveness, and thankfulness and in our relationship? What are the values that you hold on to that help you tide through challenging times in your marriage?
Application Questions:
- For married couples, how is the level of intimacy (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) in your relationship? Have past unresolved conflicts driven a wedge in your marriage? From this teaching, what do you think you can do to restore the intimacy in your marriage?
- For courting couples and singles, what are the practical tips and values from this teaching that you can apply in your relationships and consider if you are ready for the commitment of marriage?
What does ‘a better life’ look like? Higher salary? A bigger house? Better education? Better healthcare?
Sometimes, our commitment to God seems to stand in the way of us attaining a better life – not just for ourselves, but for our loved ones too. Learn how can we handle our desire for a better life in light of who God is.
Series: Not Done Yet (Focus 2022)
Title: Off The Fence
Text: Joshua 24:1-28
God’s work in our lives is not done yet. We can either commit to Him till His work is complete or we can compromise on our allegiance to Him to our loss.
General Questions:
We make decisions big and small every single day. Do you tend to be more decisive, or prefer to sit on the fence until you have considered your options really thoroughly? Are there some types of decisions you don’t like to make? Share about one or two of the hardest decisions you had to make so far in life. What made these difficult, and how was the decision process like?
Perspective Questions:
How does remembering God’s faithfulness affect the way we go through different circumstances? For example, during challenging times, and when we experience success and blessing? How about during seemingly mundane moments in life? Does remembering God’s faithfulness make a difference?
Joshua told the Israelites to choose who they will serve. In the same way, we are also called to choose who we will serve in our lives. How do you feel about having this choice to make? What’s the significance of this choice to you?
The preacher mentions the three chairs of commitment, compromise and conflict. In your current life station, what are some common daily decisions that will lead to a Christian “moving” from chair to chair?
Application Questions:
What are some ways you can guard your commitment to God and keep yourself away from compromise?
What are some steps you can take to not just live life for your own sake, but to build others up so that they too can sit in the chair of commitment?
Are there areas of compromise that God has revealed for you to make a decisive choice now? What can you do about these areas?
Has the pandemic fatigue diminished our drive and dulled our passion for the things of God? Step into the new year by reigniting our love for Jesus and learning how we can be extraordinarily and generously devoted to Him!