Series: Therefore, Go
Title: The Good News for All People
Text: Acts 11:19-21

The Antioch Church had humble beginnings but eventually became a key missionary base to the surrounding regions. What can we learn from the Early Church from the beginnings of the Antioch

General Questions:

  1. What caused the news about Christ to take hold among many who heard it? What does this passage show us about the early church’s understanding of God’s role in evangelism? How does this influence our understanding of evangelism today?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Having certain preconceived notions or even stereotypes of people from different cultures can contribute to our hesitance in bringing the gospel to them. How does know that God is a global God help in addressing our reservations?
  2. The early church demonstrated that it was possible to live for Christ and His purpose in all circumstances. What are some personal circumstances (e.g. poor health, stretched finances) we are currently facing that can hinder us from living for Christ (including preaching the gospel to others)? What is God encouraging us to surrender to Him today? What would living for Christ amid these circumstances look like?

Application Questions:

  1. The hands and the heart are connected. What is one practical step you can take to develop our heart for missions? What is one step the LG can consider embarking on together?
  2. Think about the different relationships and interactions we have in our lives. Which of these are cross-cultural? How can we build bridges with these people that God has placed in our paths?

Title: Refuse To Remain Silent
Text: Acts 26:1-32

The life-changing power of the gospel is for people outside the Church and disciples of Christ are the bearers of the good news. How can we boldly proclaim the gospel to people that God has placed in our lives?

General Questions:

  1. Are there hindrances that prevent you from sharing the gospel? Whether it is due to lack of confidence, conviction, or skills, how has today’s message challenged you? 

Perspective Questions:

  1. Share some of your experiences of sharing the gospel. How were those experiences? People respond to the gospel in a variety of ways. How can we respond when we encounter rejection? Are there good advice or learning points to share from those experiences?

  2. Why do you think it is important to seek a response after we shared our personal salvation story or the gospel? What are some ways that we can seek a response?

Application Questions:

  1. What are the ways that God has changed you since coming to faith? Do you have personal stories that you will be ready to share anytime? If not, make a commitment to write down those stories. What are the opportunities that you see around you where you can share these stories?

  2. Outreach is an important part of an LG’s life. How do you think your LG can synergise and support one another in reaching out? 

Are you afraid of messing up a conversation about the Gospel? The stakes feel so high that we end up not doing anything to avoid failing.

Although under house arrest, Apostle Paul refused to remain silent about the grace he had received and continued to proclaim the gospel. Glean on good principles and be encouraged to share our faith in every season and in any circumstance.

Series: The E Word
Title: A Desire For Boldness
Text: Acts 4:23-31

Being witnesses of Christ requires us to ask God for boldness in the face of opposition. 

General Questions:

  1. Would you consider yourself bold? Why? 

  2. How did recognising that God is in control affect the response of Peter and other believers? What did God do in response to the believers’ prayers (see verse 29-31)? How does this encourage you? 

Perspective Questions:

  1. Why do you think that out of all kinds of requests the believers could make, they asked God for boldness? Reflect on the prayers that you have heard other Christians say in the midst of a crisis. How similar or different are their prayers from that of the believers in Acts 4? What do you think their prayers reveal about their fears and concerns?

  2. Last week, we learned that compassion is also an important attitude in evangelism. Which do you think you need to grow in, compassion or boldness? Why?  

Application Questions:

  1. What can your LG do to cultivate a desire for boldness? What would your LG look like if everyone responds to God’s sovereignty with boldness to do His will?

  2. Sometimes when we face opposition, it is difficult simply to stand firm on our values, much less proclaim the Gospel. What kind of opposition do you foresee you would encounter if you were to share the Gospel? How can the LG support one another through such times? 

Series: The E Word
Title: A Call To Compassion
Text: Matthew 9:35-38

The call to share the Good News of Jesus Christ is a call for all believers to capture the heart of Jesus for the lost.

General Questions:

  1. What is so good about the Good News of the Kingdom (Matt. 9:35)? Why is it important that people are told of this Good News?

  2. What is evangelism? If a friend asks you about evangelism, how will you explain what it is? 

Perspective Questions:

  1. Jesus had compassion on the people. What is compassion? What is the difference between empathy and compassion? Consider a time when you progressed from empathy for people to compassion for them. What motivated you to show compassion? What stopped you from doing so? What is the right lens we should use to see the lost?

  2. Matt. 9:38 tells us that the harvest belongs to the Lord. How does this truth change the way we think about doing God’s work? How does it encourage or motivate us to participate in His mission?

Application Questions:

  1. What can we do to cultivate a heart of compassion for the lost? What would your LG look like if everyone steps out in compassion next week?

  2. It is difficult to reach out to people who are different from us because our differences may lead to tensions. How can the LG be more open to different types of people? What are some important qualities a LG needs to have so that it is able to accommodate different types of people? 

Is ‘Evangelism’ knocking on doors, giving gifts, or inviting people to events? While these could be effective methods, they do not capture the complete picture of what it means to evangelise.

Revisit and regain the deeper implications of evangelism as we explore how Jesus and His followers carried out their mission to preach the Good News.