Topic: Grace
Series: Hearts On Fire Focus Series 1
Title: Wanted: A Heart Broken Before God
Text: Psalm 51:1-19
Revival begins with holiness. God set our hearts on fire for Him by first purifying our hearts and bringing us to a place of brokenness and repentance.
General Questions:
Do you consider yourself as someone who is quick to recognise and acknowledge sins in your life? Why do you think so?
What is usually your first response when you are confronted with your sins? Do you make excuses for yourself and blame other people and circumstances like Saul, or do you take responsibility for your sins like David? What are reasons that we may respond like Saul instead of David?
Perspective Questions:
When we seek God’s forgiveness, we know that we are cleansed by God and our relationship with God is restored. However, there are times when we do not feel like turning back to God. What are some reasons that may hinder a believer from turning to God?
“God turns our scars into stars, our setbacks into comebacks, our misery into ministry, our test into testimony.” Does this quote resonate with you? When we are broken before God, we are not condemned but we receive God grace and restoration. What are the tell-tale signs of someone who feel condemned, instead of being restored by God? Why do you think it is important to seek renewal?
Application Questions:
What are the ways that you can apply the sermon to experience the revival in your spiritual life? What are the specific areas that God is convicting you to turn away and come back to Him? What are the spiritual habits or routines that you practise to keep you sensitive to sin and root it out in your life?
Title: The Impact – How to Influence Effectively
Series: Transformed to Influence
Text: Titus 2:1-15
When it comes to influencing, we do not just want to work hard. We also want to work wise so that we can be effective influencers.
General Questions:
We sometimes think we are only effective in influencing others if we are capable or hold a certain high status or position in society. How does this understanding arise and in what ways does it affect your efforts at influencing others? How does knowing that our authority to influence comes from God impact our motivations and efforts in influencing others?
Perspective Questions:
There is no one-size-fits-all method to influence. We need to discern what is appropriate for each group of people. How would understanding the unique needs of each group faces help us to influence them effectively?
In v10, Paul states the purpose of his instructions to the slaves: “…to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Saviour attractive”. Paul seems to suggest that the slaves’ willing submission to their masters will draw onlookers closer to God. In what ways does Paul’s teaching match up with / differ from our understanding of what it means to influence? While we may not be slaves, all of us have authorities in our lives that God has placed us under (e.g. bosses, teachers, parents). How would our willing submission to these authorities reflect Christlikeness and draw onlookers closer to God? What are the boundaries of submission?
According to Paul, the grace of God that brings salvation and teaches the people on godly living (v11-12) provided them with a basis, motivation and enablement for the exhortations listed previously (v2-10). How does the grace of God enable the different groups of believers to say “no” to all that is not of God and “yes” to a life of living in line with God’s will?
We do our best to plan, to strategise, and to influence, but only God’s grace can transform lives. How does this understanding affect the way we handle the outcomes of our efforts, either those that seem to fall short or those that seem to be productive?
Application Questions:
Think about your peers and/or the people in your sphere of influence. What are some of the challenges they face? With these in mind, in what ways can we influence them appropriately with sound doctrine?