Title: Prepare for Encounter
: 2 Kings 5:1-18

How can we prepare our hearts for an encounter with God?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Contrast the faith of Naaman’s Israelite servant girl and that of the Israelite king. What are some faith lessons we can learn from both of them?

  2. Contrast Naaman’s initial reaction to Elisha’s words (vv10-12) to that of his servants (v13). Which party had faith that would please God, and why?

  3. Eventually, Naaman humbled himself to obey Elisha and as a result, he received healing (v14). What are some characteristics and signs of someone who has the attitude of humility in encountering God?

  4. One key theme in the story of Naaman, an Aramean commander, is that the God of Israel is also the God of the world. How does this story teach us to encounter God as a global God? 

Application Questions:

  1. How can we rekindle a simple faith in God? How can we avoid over-complicating matters, which may prevent us from exercising simple faith?

  2. It is easy to pursue spiritual experiences or encounters without letting them transform our hearts. How can we take steps to ensure that we allow an encounter with God to enhance our walk with Him?

We don’t come to encounter Conference – we come to encounter the God of our Conference. Through Bible characters in 2 Kings 5, unearth two attitudes we must cultivate to prepare ourselves to encounter God.

Series: Test Of A Disciple
Title: Being Discerning in a Critical World
Text: Matthew 7:1-6

We live in a world where people are either eager to put others down or are reluctant to judge because “love is acceptance”. Neither extremes are biblical. How can we be discerning in a critical world? 

General Questions:

  1. What do people tend to be critical about? 

  2. In the passage Matthew 7:1-6, what does Jesus say about how believers should judge rightly?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Consider the difference between unrighteous judgment and wise discernment. How do we differentiate them? What are some underlying heart attitudes that can lead to either of them? 

  2. As Christians who are called to love others and point people to Christ, what possible impact does being judgmental have on us? How does Jesus’ call for self-examination affect our interactions with others, especially if the other party is in the wrong? What makes this self-examination important?

Application Questions:

  1. One sign of humility is how strict we are with our own thoughts, actions and speech. Consider how strict we are with ourselves. What would help us to be more candid about our faults and failings? How can we be more open to receiving correction? 

  2. Reflect and share about any people issues that we might be facing in school, at work or at home. How can we handle these issues with wise discernment or be a good judge of character?

Title: Reorientate With Humility
Text: James 4:13-17

The pandemic can be disorientating, forcing us to rethink our plans and direction in life. How should we reorientate ourselves as we pivot into the unpredictable days ahead?


General Questions:

1) Read James 4:13-17. According to James, how should believers live since life is brief and uncertain? Is James saying that we do not plan? If not, what is James’ message?

2) What is the “good” that believers “ought to do” in v17?

Perspective Questions:

1) Depending on God does not mean that we do not plan. Rather, when we plan, we pivot on revealed truth from God’s Word. Share some examples of how your life decisions reflect your commitment to the Word.

2) In what ways do some believers claim they believe that God exists but plan or behave as if God is not present? Why do you think they struggle to involve God in their planning or decision-making?

Application Questions:

1) Consider the way we make decisions. How can we be less self-reliant and more God-dependent?

2) If you know you have a few days left to live, what are some things you will do differently? What is stopping you from doing it? What will you be bringing to Jesus when you see Him?