Series: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Title: Deep in Loving
Text: Song of Songs 8:5-7
How does love in marriage look like? Love in marriage expresses itself in faithfulness to each other, reliance on God’s empowerment and transcendence above earthly values.
General Questions:
  1. If an electronic device is broken, do you prefer to repair or buy a new one? In an affluent society, we are used to discarding rather than fixing stuff. How does this mindset influence our view of relationships and marriages?
  2. In today’s society, people do not like the idea of commitment. What do you think are the reasons why people may shy away from commitment in marriage? What does it reflect about what these people value?
Perspective Questions:
  1. Why do you think God values marital faithfulness so much? What does it reflect about Him and His desires for us?
  2. Why is accountability in our marriage important? Are there specific boundaries we may need to set to safeguard our marriage? Are there pastoral leaders whom we can choose to be accountable to?
Application Questions:
  1. For married couples, it is difficult for us to die to self and love our spouse sacrificially without God’s empowerment. What is one challenge in your marriage that you need to ask the Holy Spirit to empower you in? Think of a specific example and commit to allowing God to change you.
  2. For couples, what is one practical step you need to take together to strengthen your marriage? Some possible ideas include:
    – Taking up a love challenge (e.g. 40 Day Fire Proof Love Challenge)
    – Setting aside a “date night” weekly
    – Praying for one another regularly
  3. For courting couples and singles, drawing close to God before marriage will prepare us to weather storms in our future marriages. What are some practical action steps we can take to draw close to God?

Series: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Title: Mad but Staying
Text: Song 5:2-6:3

It is normal for a relationship to experience conflicts and difficulties. How then can we navigate through these conflicts and stay in the relationship biblically despite conflicts and difficulties?

General Questions:

  1. Conflicts are bound to arise in any relationship, and especially so in a marriage, where two people come together and share their lives closely and intimately with one another. For married and courting couples, what are some things or issues that trigger conflict in your relationship? How do you usually deal with these conflicts? What can you learn from the practical ways to handle conflict from the sermon?
  2. For singles, we will encounter conflict in other relationships with our family and friends. How do you usually respond when you encounter conflict in these relationships? What can you learn from the practical ways to handle conflict from the sermon?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Do you agree that community is important to support us in our relationship? Do you have such a support system? If not, what are ways that you can build the support system? Conversely, how do you think you can be open and guided by the Holy Spirit to speak into the lives of others, as part of God’s community?
  2. Divorce rates are on the rise, and irreconcilable differences arising from inability to resolve conflicts and differences are often cited as reasons for divorce. What do you think are some reasons that couples find it hard to stay in a marriage? How do you think we can practically apply biblical values such as love, forgiveness, and thankfulness and in our relationship? What are the values that you hold on to that help you tide through challenging times in your marriage?

Application Questions:

  1. For married couples, how is the level of intimacy (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) in your relationship? Have past unresolved conflicts driven a wedge in your marriage? From this teaching, what do you think you can do to restore the intimacy in your marriage?
  2. For courting couples and singles, what are the practical tips and values from this teaching that you can apply in your relationships and consider if you are ready for the commitment of marriage?

Series: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Title: True in Waiting
Text: Songs of Songs 4-5:1

Our views on love and sexual intimacy are often unavoidably influenced by the values of the world. Many might even think that the Christian faith has a restrictive or regressive view on love and sexual intimacy. But, in fact, the Scripture does celebrate love and sexual intimacy in the book of Song of Songs. What is God’s design for sex? How should God’s people view it?

General Questions:

  1. Did your family talk about sexuality? Where did you learn about sex?
  2. Do you find sex too sensitive or private a matter to be discussed in church? Why should we talk about sex in the church?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Why did God create sex? In your own words, describe God’s design for sex. How then does this look like in the lives of singles? How about married people?
  2. What are some challenges or common views in the world about sex that makes it difficult for you to obey God’s design?

Application Questions:

  1. What are some avenues or individuals where we can and should speak openly about sex? What is lacking in these relationships that stops you from doing so?
  2. Has the church been a good representation of God’s design for sex? What can we do to make sure we shine God’s glory in this area?

Pursuing holiness includes how we view and treat love and intimacy. Amidst the influence of worldly values, learn how the Scriptures celebrate love and sexual intimacy and how this helps us to be holy singles and married couples before God.

Series: Focus 2024 – Abide
Title: Quality Time with God
Text: Psalms 119:33-40

What are the right attitudes we should have when we spend alone time with God so that our Quiet Time is also Quality Time?

General Questions:

  1. Spending quality time with God helps us grow in intimacy with Him. What does intimacy with God mean? What does it look like? Describe a person who has a close and intimate relationship with God.
  2. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the most), how would you rate your desire for intimacy with God? Why?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Is intimacy with God free or does it come at a cost? What are the ‘costs’ we may need to pay in order to spend quality time with God? These may be challenges we face, or distractions we need to put aside.
  2. How often do we turn to God and His Word as our first solution, rather than as the last resort? Have we lost sight of our ‘smallness’ before God? To what extent do we trust that God’s Word and ways are far better than our own or that of the world’s?

Application Questions:

  1. What are some habits that you need to STOP? What are some habits that you need to START?
  2. How can you spend quality time with God today?
  3. How can we help each other grow in this spiritual discipline?