Topic: Prayer
Series: Focus 2024 – Disciplines for an Abiding Life
Title: Seeking God through Prayer and Fasting
Text: Joel 2:12-13, Ezra 8:21-23
In the Bible, the people of God fasted and prayed to indicate or express the inner conditions of their hearts. Today, we are not required to fast and pray. But we can still benefit from this spiritual discipline when we practise it from the heart. What is the value of sincere fasting and praying?
General Questions:
- Share about a previous experience with fasting. Why did you choose to fast? How did it go? How did you experience God through the period of prayer and fasting?
Perspective Questions:
- In our struggles with different sins, what might lead us to depend on our willpower and wisdom, instead of taking the fight spiritually? How does the way we deal with sin reflect our relationship with and understanding about God?
- What hinders you from fasting (apart from medical conditions)? What do these hindrances reveal about our understanding of the purpose and impact of fasting? How has the sermon addressed these hindrances, if any?
- Think of different ways in which you might fast. How does fasting set us in the posture to allow God to change our hearts?
Application Questions:
- What are some steps we can take to help us practice fasting (examples given below)? How can the LG support one another in fasting?
- E.g.
- Ensure we have sufficient rest and hydration, and our other meals are proper nutritious meals
- Adjust the timing of meals, such as planning for a slightly later breakfast and an earlier dinner, and fasting over lunch
- Schedule a fast
Title: Prepare for Encounter
Text: 2 Kings 5:1-18
How can we prepare our hearts for an encounter with God?
Perspective Questions:
Contrast the faith of Naaman’s Israelite servant girl and that of the Israelite king. What are some faith lessons we can learn from both of them?
Contrast Naaman’s initial reaction to Elisha’s words (vv10-12) to that of his servants (v13). Which party had faith that would please God, and why?
Eventually, Naaman humbled himself to obey Elisha and as a result, he received healing (v14). What are some characteristics and signs of someone who has the attitude of humility in encountering God?
One key theme in the story of Naaman, an Aramean commander, is that the God of Israel is also the God of the world. How does this story teach us to encounter God as a global God?
Application Questions:
How can we rekindle a simple faith in God? How can we avoid over-complicating matters, which may prevent us from exercising simple faith?
It is easy to pursue spiritual experiences or encounters without letting them transform our hearts. How can we take steps to ensure that we allow an encounter with God to enhance our walk with Him?
We don’t come to encounter Conference – we come to encounter the God of our Conference. Through Bible characters in 2 Kings 5, unearth two attitudes we must cultivate to prepare ourselves to encounter God.
Series: Hearts On Fire Focus Series 1
Title: Making Prayer My Priority
There is no discussion guide this week because we would like to encourage members to spend time praying together as a life group.
Series: Not Done Yet – Focus Series 3
Title: Ushering God’s Glory
Text: John 17:1-5
To usher in God’s glory, we can seek His glory in our prayers and extend His glory through our obedience.
General Questions:
In the gospel of John, Jesus’ “hour” is the time of His crucifixion, when Jesus will complete the work that God had sent Him to earth to accomplish. Jesus said that He has brought glory to God by finishing this work. How is the hour of Jesus’ crucifixion a moment of glory? How is God glorified through the cross?
Perspective Questions:
The focus of our prayers, beyond our concerns, needs and requests, should be for God’s glory to fill the space He has positioned us in. What hinders us (e.g. ourselves, circumstances) from seeking God’s glory in our prayers? Why?
We all have different roles in the kingdom. While God does not want us to compare or to compete in our roles, we may end up doing so. What leads us to comparison? What does this show about our understanding of God and His work?
How can we be content with the roles that God has graciously given us to play in His kingdom? Discuss.
Application Questions:
In our LG, what are some areas which we can pray together for more regularly? (E.g. for other believers, pre-believers, our zones)
How can LG members support one another in building a more consistent prayer life?
Series: You Asked For It
How do we hear from God in a world of noise and multiple, sometimes conflicting voices?
Discussion Guide
What are some reasons believers want to hear from God? What do you think are some fears or concerns that believers may have when it comes to hearing from God? For example, do you think people worry that they would miss out on God’s plan for them if they do not “hear” correctly? Where do you think these fears or concerns come from?
Psalm 23 depicts God as the shepherd who provides and cares for his people. The role of the shepherd is to guide the flock to food and water and keep the sheep safe from predators. What does Psalm 23 tell us about God’s willingness and ability to guide us as we navigate the challenges of life? How then should we respond to him as our shepherd? Think of the many characters in the Bible whom God took the initiative to communicate to so that he could lead them in his plan. Do you trust that God would also take the initiative to reach you and lead you? Why? How does knowing that God is willing and able to communicate to us enable us to seek his guidance with assurance that he will lead us? Why does knowing that God is bigger than our mistakes assure us that we need not be anxious that we may hear him incorrectly?
1) God speaks to us through the Bible
What do you think are the dangers if we ignore God’s will that is already revealed in God’s Word? If we can already hear from God through Scripture and yet we don’t bother to know and practise it, what does this say about our willingness to obey God in anything? How can we grow in our submission to Scripture? What can the LG do to encourage one another to obey all that God says in his Word?
2) God speaks to us through other means (eg prayer, life circumstances and godly counsel)
How can you cultivate spiritual disciplines such as prayer to draw closer to God and position yourself to hear from him? How can the LG support each other to do so? Who are some people you allow to speak into your life? How do you know you can trust them? If we are seeking God’s guidance for a certain decision, why does it benefit to hear from Christians who show signs of walking right with God?
Reflection Questions
How does knowing that God is willing and able to communicate to us enable us to seek his guidance with assurance that he will lead us? Why does knowing that God is bigger than our mistakes assure us that we need not be anxious that we may hear him incorrectly?
1) God speaks to us through the Bible
If we can already hear from God through Scripture and yet we don’t bother to know and practise it, what does this say about our willingness to obey God in anything? How can we grow in our submission to Scripture?
2) God speaks to us through other means (eg prayer, life circumstances and godly counsel)
How can you cultivate spiritual disciplines such as prayer to draw closer to God and position yourself to hear from him? If we are seeking God’s guidance for a certain decision, why does it benefit to hear from other Christians who show signs of walking right with God?
Have you seen the wonder of Miracles, or do you simply wonder if miracles exist?
Jesus drew large crowds whereever He went 2,000 years ago, because of the power and compassion He displayed. Witness these acts of wonder, reach out for a divine touch, and believe God for a miracle.
Text: Matthew 26:36-46
Series: First Things First
Doing God’s work can be challenging. During the last moments of His ministry on earth, Jesus wrestled to complete the Father’s work. What can we learn from Jesus’ example in how to put God’s work first?
1) Pursue authentic relationship in the community
Jesus yearned for the disciples to understand what He was going through in order to accomplish the Father’s will. Every believer needs support and encouragement to do God’s work. Recall moments when the support of the community made a difference to you as you do your ministry. How can you be a better support and encouragement to others? What are some ways the LG can intentionally encourage people to be open about the challenges they face in ministry, and help them to find support within the community?
2) Align our will to God’s in prayer
List your top 2-3 plans/resolutions for 2019. Do they involve God’s work? Why? Our desires do not always align with God’s will for us. Recall moments when our desires contradict that of God’s. How did we feel? What did we choose to do in the end? Jesus showed us that we can wrestle in prayer when we struggle between doing our will or doing God’s will. Currently, which aspect of God’s will are you struggling with? Reflect on how you pray when you feel this way. What do you usually pray about? What is the outcome of your prayer? How should the way Jesus prayed in Gethsemane influence the way you pray? How should Jesus’ decision influence the way you make decisions? How can the LG help every member to find strength in submitting to God?
3) Persevere to complete God’s work
What are the common struggles and temptations believers encounter while doing God’s work? Why do you think some could not persevere? Read Heb 4:15-16. How does knowing that Jesus can empathise with you change the way you respond to temptations? Share some of your milestones as you stay the course to do God’s will. What did you learn about God and yourself? What would you say to someone who may be going through similar challenges as you? What can the LG do to spur one another on to finish the race?