Series: Truly, Madly, Deeply
Title: True in Waiting
Text: Songs of Songs 4-5:1

Our views on love and sexual intimacy are often unavoidably influenced by the values of the world. Many might even think that the Christian faith has a restrictive or regressive view on love and sexual intimacy. But, in fact, the Scripture does celebrate love and sexual intimacy in the book of Song of Songs. What is God’s design for sex? How should God’s people view it?

General Questions:

  1. Did your family talk about sexuality? Where did you learn about sex?
  2. Do you find sex too sensitive or private a matter to be discussed in church? Why should we talk about sex in the church?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Why did God create sex? In your own words, describe God’s design for sex. How then does this look like in the lives of singles? How about married people?
  2. What are some challenges or common views in the world about sex that makes it difficult for you to obey God’s design?

Application Questions:

  1. What are some avenues or individuals where we can and should speak openly about sex? What is lacking in these relationships that stops you from doing so?
  2. Has the church been a good representation of God’s design for sex? What can we do to make sure we shine God’s glory in this area?

Pursuing holiness includes how we view and treat love and intimacy. Amidst the influence of worldly values, learn how the Scriptures celebrate love and sexual intimacy and how this helps us to be holy singles and married couples before God.

Title: Battle Plan Against Porn
: Various

Porn is addictive, accessible and increasingly acceptable. How can we take a stand against its dangerous and destructive effects?

Perspective Questions:

  1. What are some lies that may lead believers to be sexually tempted or to fall into sexual sin?

  2. What are some truths from the Word that motivate or inspire believers to choose to pursue holiness? 

Application Questions:

  1. How can we support believers who are trying to overcome a porn addiction or other sexual sins?

  2. Parents, what are some ways to guide your children in an age where porn is easily accessible and may even become acceptable?

Series: Let’s Talk About Sexuality
Title: With His Love
Text: Various

What the world needs now is for the church to fulfil its mission to be salt and light. However, this is often easier said than done, for the church lives in a world that is hostile to its values. How can the church engage the world with grace and truth?

General Questions:

  1. What do you think is the church’s role in society? What are the unique features of Singapore society that affect the church’s role?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Share your experience (if any) of how you faced opposition for sticking to your values. What do you think you did right, and what could you have done differently? What may encourage or support believers to stand firm in their beliefs?
  2. What does grace-filled speech sound like and what can it achieve? Identify some must-have attitudes behind gracious communication.
  3. If we do not walk the talk, we have not earned the right to be heard. What is the church doing well in being a godly example today? What can the church grow in?

Application Questions:

  1. How can we be gracious in our communication without compromising on our values?
  2. How can we prepare ourselves to give a response if someone asks us for our views of sex? Parents, what can you do to educate your children on this topic?

Series: Let’s Talk About Sexuality
Title: In His Image
Text: Various

In the midst of changing sexual norms, we anchor ourselves in unchanging truths from the Bible that shape our understanding of sexuality, guide our response to pro-homosexuality arguments, and encourage us in our struggles.

General Questions:

  1. Why do you think it is important that believers understand God’s view of sexuality? What happens if we disregard God’s intent for sexuality? What happens if we live out God’s design for sexuality? 

Perspective Questions:

  1. Reflect on the three points about sexuality: “Sex is a gift from God,” “Sex is a form of worship to God” and “Sex is to be enjoyed within marriage.” How do these biblical truths differ from what the world says about sex? 

  2. In light of the debate over the repeal of S377A (a law that criminalises sex between men), the church in Singapore is forced to clarify its teaching on homosexuality. While it is clear from Scriptures that homosexual behaviour is prohibited, some pro-homosexuality arguments have emerged over the years that do not actually hold water. What are some examples of these arguments? Why do they fail to hold up when confronted with the truths of Scripture?

Application Questions:

  1. Discuss ways believers can create a safe environment for one another to be open about their struggles, whether sexual or not. What are some fears that we may have when opening up? How can we allay these fears?

  2. The church needs to be ready to journey together in living out God’s design for sexuality. What are some essentials we must take to go on this journey? What is the destination we are heading towards, and how can we keep on the right track?

The recent repeal of Section 377A has stirred up debates. In these conversations, Christians may appear intolerant, self-righteous, and imposing to the world.

Learn about sexuality through the lens of Scripture and how we can respond in God’s love and truth.

Sex is everywhere – in movies, advertisements, and jokes – yet it still remains an awkward subject to talk about. Even as we avoid discussing sex, sexual issues often find us in our life and relationships.

Discover how we can receive God’s freedom to live above societal norms and glorify Him in a world that glorifies sex.

1 Cor 6:12-20
Series: Sex, The Elephant in the Room

Knowing that sex is a gift from God, how can we manage our sexual desires in a way that honours Him?

Discussion Guide 

1) I Do Not Live To Fulfil My Desires (12-14)

The Corinth church had certain sayings and justifications for sexual immorality. Which one do you think applies the most to society today? Why do you think so?

I can do what I want, I’m a free man Just like eating, sex is a desire to be satisfied Sex is just physical, YOLO (you only live once) as long as it hurts no one

Underneath each justification is the belief that “I live to fulfil my desires”. However, as Christians, we live to fulfil God’s purposes, which means that our body has a different purpose! What then is the compass of your life today? Why do you think it is important to first acknowledge God’s word as our compass before we can learn how to manage our sexual desires?

Why do you think people might feel like they are missing out if they are not able to experience sex? How does knowing that God has a higher purpose for each person help believers to cope with unfulfilled desires? How does taking our struggles one day at a time and trusting that God gives us enough grace to go through each day help believers who are struggling?

2) I Belong To Christ (15-17)

Why is it important that we recognise our body as belonging to Christ? How would the way we see our body affect the way we express our sexuality? Sexual behaviours of the past may not be forgotten, but they can be forgiven in Christ. How would this truth encourage believers seeking a fresh start?

In addition, how do you think confession to trusted individuals supports one in his or her journey of healing and restoration? How can the Life Group become a safe place for openness and accountability to support one another in this journey?

3) I Live To Honour God (18-20)

For those of us who are singles, how can we honour God with our sexuality? How can we tap His divine power, which enables us to live a godly life (2 Pet 1:3), to honour Him with our bodies? How can we look out for one another? If we stumble, how can we help one another to stand up where we fell? How can we develop healthy relationships that are fulfilling and meaningful?

For those of us who are marrieds, how can we honour God with our sexuality? What does it mean to mutually yield your bodies to serve and honour one another (1 Cor 7:3-5)? What barriers do you face in developing intimacy with your spouse? What are some practices you can establish to deepen your intimacy?

As a Life Group, how can we support singles and marrieds to honour God with our sexuality?

Reflection Questions 

1) I Do Not Live To Fulfil My Desires (12-14)
Why do you think it is important to first acknowledge God’s word as our compass before we can learn how to manage our sexual desires?

2) I Belong To Christ (15-17)
Why is it important that we recognise our body as belonging to Christ? How would the way we see our body affect the way we express our sexuality?

3) I Live To Honour God (18-20)
As a Life Group, how can we support singles and marrieds to honour God with our sexuality?