Series: Focus 2024 – Abide
Title: When Sin Came In
Text: Acts 5:1-8

The church is an imperfect community that is set apart for God. Yet our call to be holy is often threatened by the presence of sin within the community. How should we as a church respond to sin so that collectively, we remain holy before God?

General Questions:

  1. Describe fear as an emotion. How can this be reconciled with the idea of the fear of God?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Read Acts 1 – 4 (or 2:42-47 and 4:32-37). What are some characteristics of the early church? How is what Ananias and Sapphira did potentially damaging to the spiritual health and credibility of the community?
  2. “My sin affects you even if you are not aware of it.” Do you think this is true? Why? How does the personal sin of someone in the community affect the community at large? Give some examples.
  3. How can we reconcile removing sin from the community and welcoming sinners into it?  How should our expectations of believers and non-believers differ?

Application Questions:

  1. Often, we can only help one another to be holy when we know what one another is struggling with. What hinders you from being open with your struggles to the faith community? How can you help one another to be vulnerable?
  2. Sin should be dealt with swiftly before it spreads to affect others in the community. How can we approach the sins of others without compromising on either grace or holiness?

Title: Walking In The Light
Series: Hearts On Fire – Focus Series 2
Text: 1 John 1:5-10

Walking with God is really a commitment to follow a righteous God. This commitment comes with expectations to walk in the light as God is in the light. What does God ask of those who desire to walk with Him?

Perspective Questions:

  1. What is your understanding of what it means to walk with God? How does the apostle John define it?

  2. Why do some people not want to walk in the light (see John 3:19-21) or lie about walking in the light? 

Application Questions:

  1. What are possible ways people can downplay their sins? How can we properly deal with our sins?

  2. A benefit of walking with God in the light is we get to enjoy true fellowship with other believers. How can we place the sacrifice of Jesus at the centre of our relationships with one another?

  3. How can the LG help one another to walk in the light?

“Does this kid come with a return policy?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Am I good enough for my kid?”

Ever had these thoughts? You’re not alone. This Parents’ Day, we celebrate all there is to be a parent. Hear stories from people who have or are imperfect parents, and find out if the perfect parent really exists!

Title: No Offence, but…: Dealing With Offences
: Luke 17:1-4

It is inevitable that people around us will offend us. How should we respond to them in a Christian manner?

General Questions:

  1. What are some things that people do that will offend you or make you feel irritated?

  2. How do you usually deal with annoyances and offences?

Perspective Questions:

  1. The preacher shared three root issues that might lead to people being easily offended; pride, insecurities, and victim-mentality. What does the Bible tell us about each of these issues? How can that help us deal with offences in a Christ-like manner?

  2. Read 1 Peter 3:8-18. In the world, it is normal that you should retaliate when offended. Yet, the values of the Kingdom of God tell us to do likewise. Based on the text, why should we repay evil with good? What can we hold on to when we encounter injustice and grievances?

  3. To forgive is to let go of offences. Read Matthew 6:12-15 and Matthew 18:21-35. What does it say about the reason we forgive? 

Application Questions:

  1. How can we take steps to forgive someone who offends us? What truths can we hold onto that will encourage us to forgive even when it hurts? Let’s pray for each other to look to the Cross where we find our reason to extend grace to others. 

The way we handle offence influences the end results of the offence. How then can we navigate this offence-filled life? Join us and find out how you can handle the offences in your life.

Title: Battle Plan Against Porn
: Various

Porn is addictive, accessible and increasingly acceptable. How can we take a stand against its dangerous and destructive effects?

Perspective Questions:

  1. What are some lies that may lead believers to be sexually tempted or to fall into sexual sin?

  2. What are some truths from the Word that motivate or inspire believers to choose to pursue holiness? 

Application Questions:

  1. How can we support believers who are trying to overcome a porn addiction or other sexual sins?

  2. Parents, what are some ways to guide your children in an age where porn is easily accessible and may even become acceptable?

In a nationwide survey by Focus on the Family, the greatest threat of sexuality is pornography. It affects not just young men and women but also married couples.

As a church and followers of Christ, we need a battle plan against pornography. Let’s talk about it, openly, honestly and biblically.

Series: Hearts On Fire Focus Series 1
Title: Wanted: A Heart Broken Before God
Text: Psalm 51:1-19

Revival begins with holiness. God set our hearts on fire for Him by first purifying our hearts and bringing us to a place of brokenness and repentance.  

General Questions:

  1. Do you consider yourself as someone who is quick to recognise and acknowledge sins in your life? Why do you think so? 

  2. What is usually your first response when you are confronted with your sins? Do you make excuses for yourself and blame other people and circumstances like Saul, or do you take responsibility for your sins like David? What are reasons that we may respond like Saul instead of David?

Perspective Questions:

  1. When we seek God’s forgiveness, we know that we are cleansed by God and our relationship with God is restored. However, there are times when we do not feel like turning back to God. What are some reasons that may hinder a believer from turning to God? 

  2. “God turns our scars into stars, our setbacks into comebacks, our misery into ministry, our test into testimony.” Does this quote resonate with you? When we are broken before God, we are not condemned but we receive God grace and restoration. What are the tell-tale signs of someone who feel condemned, instead of being restored by God? Why do you think it is important to seek renewal?

Application Questions:

  1. What are the ways that you can apply the sermon to experience the revival in your spiritual life? What are the specific areas that God is convicting you to turn away and come back to Him? What are the spiritual habits or routines that you practise to keep you sensitive to sin and root it out in your life?