Hope Montreal, Canada
After a rough start in 2015, Hope Montreal was almost dissolved. Hope Singapore leaders kept on praying for us and encouraging us to continue meeting. In 2017, some of them came to pray with us and conducted water baptism for us.
In 2018, Hope Montreal was re-established. We had less than 10 regular members but we held on to the promise of God that “He who began a good work in us will continue His work until it’s completion” (Philippians 1:6).
Hope Montreal grew as the Holy Spirit led. Instead of doing LG in one place, we brought LG into the houses of people. During summer, we had fun outdoor activities. We invited friends, colleagues and families, and even shared our encounters with Jesus with them. We also started Hope Montreal social media pages to share the Gospel and invite people to join our gatherings, where they eventually came to know Christ.
Today, we have 6 adult and 1 kids LG in more than 5 cities in Quebec. We also conduct monthly physical church services with attendees in Quebec and other cities in Canada.
We continue to bring the church to the unreachable, disciple people, love our neighbours, and proclaim the good news of Christ. Even though it’s not easy here in Canada with various cultural, social, and racial differences, we will never stop living by Great Commission, knowing that God is with us until the very end of age!
Hope Kolkata, India
We went to visit Kolkata from Chennai, and witnessed the life group having their first-ever service. Two members were also water baptised in front of their family and friends. One shared that he had many questions in the beginning, but understood God more through the guidance of his mentor and chose to follow Jesus for the rest of his life. His testimony touched those who know him personally and many of them came up to ask him more about his faith and even shared their observations of him sharing God’s love to others in school.
It is new to see young people with a vibrant Christian life and baptising others in Kolkata. Our members’ parents were encouraged to see young people living their lives for God and other believers were inspired by the spiritual community to do more in their own churches.
Over the past 3 years, we have the privilege to journey with each life group member – seeing them grow their desire to know Him and serve the church, to relying on the Holy Spirit to empower them when reaching out and discipling others. Although there were many obstacles along the way, we saw their hunger to do more for God.
We went on a prayer evangelism on the streets where we pray for God to show us specific people with specific cues to reach out to. Even though it was their first time, they were bold in talking to strangers and have also faithfully followed up on these contacts they met. God is doing exciting things through the young people in Kolkata. We pray for greater hunger of who He is in our lives, as we equip ourselves and rely on His Spirit to be His salt and light so that more can come to know Him!
Hope Johannesburg, South Africa
For years, Hope Joburg has had prophecies about children’s church and though we have a certain grace in this ministry, we previously just flowed. But during the pandemic, we felt a burden for a special outreach to the children.
We supplied food to bridge the gap created by the closure of schools and feeding schemes. As things opened, we shifted our focus to building their Christian foundations. By the grace of God, we reached 100 children and have about 40 regulars.
We see the lives of street children transform as they experience unconditional love and acceptance. We also discovered 7 foreign national children who were not attending school and approached local social workers to ensure that they can be enrolled in a school.
There is much we have to overcome as a community. Children as young as primary school are addicted to porn and even exposed to occult activities. Our Children Church must grow to become a loving and educational environment of building positive Godly values. We are building a leadership team from this cohort and started guitar lessons for 9 highly motivated children. We are working to get more small guitars so that they can take the instruments home to practice.
We are excited about what the Lord is doing; challenging the hold of the enemy in this community by raising a next generation that will be sold out for Him. May God change the destiny of Cosmo City through its children!
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