Series: Pivot – Circles and Rows
Title: The Church As Our Family
Text: Acts 2:42-47
In this new norm of social distancing and restricted physical gatherings, it is easy to feel alone and isolated. The truth that the church is a family should comfort and encourage Christians. What does it mean to be part of the church, our spiritual family?
General Questions:
1) From 1 Thess. 2:3-6, what can you say are the motives of the Paul?
2) In 1 Thess. 2:7-12, what are the two imageries used to describe a disciple-maker? What are the key characteristics of each imagery?
Perspective Questions:
1) What is your perspective of an ideal family? How much is your perspective aligned with what Scripture says about how the family of God should be?
2) What do you think about the statement that worship is not only personal but also corporate? What do you think would happen if a believer cherishes the spiritual community? How would he or she live differently from someone who does not value the church family?
3) Do you agree that just as we have responsibilities towards our biological families, we also have responsibilities towards our spiritual families? Why? What are some of these responsibilities recorded in Scripture? Would you say that you have done your part in your spiritual family? How so?
Application Questions:
1) In this age of social distancing where many struggle with loneliness, how can the LG stand out as a community where Christians can belong to and find love and help in times of need?
2) What are some ways the LG can cultivate deeper fellowship, so that the interactions can go beyond superficial talk and politically correct niceties?