Title: Pivot Upon The Promises Of God
Series: Focus 2021
Text: Various Text
Wary of promises and half-expecting them to be broken anyway?
Not so with God’s promises because He is not only a promise-giver but also a promise-keeper. Lean on God’s promises, place your trust in Him, and discover how you can live life with renewed confidence.
1) Acquaint Myself with God’s Promises
Knowing God’s Word is the key to being acquainted with God’s promises. What are some habits you can weave into your daily life to help you to remember and meditate on His Word? What is one promise that God has made that you hope to study and reflect upon?
2) Adjust my life according to God’s Promises
Our experience of God’s promises begins with the right understanding of what the promises mean and choosing to have faith and obey Him. In Matthew 6:33, what do you think “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness” means? Our heavenly Father knows our needs (Matthew 6:32), we can be assured of His providence as we align our priorities. Are there areas in your life that God is prompting you to re-prioritise?
3) Actualise God’s Promises
Would you consider yourself as someone with a “child-like” faith in God? Why? Putting our faith in God and His promises does not mean we avoid challenges or disappointments in everyday life. At times, we may even experience doubt. How do you overcome these moments, or how would you encourage someone in such situations to hold on to God’s promise of salvation and continue to trust in Him?