Title: Resolve With Courage
Text: Joshua 1:6-9
The pandemic is a fertile ground for fear. Facing our fears, how can we resolve with courage to complete what God has called us to do?
General Questions:
1) In Joshua 1:6, what was the reason God gave Joshua when He commanded him to be strong and courageous? What did God want Joshua to focus on? How might this focus bring about courage from within?
2) Read Joshua 1:7-8. What was the condition that Joshua had to fulfil in order for the Israelites to receive their inheritance, i.e. the Promised Land? Compared to other matters that needed attention and preparation, e.g. military strategy and mobilisation, why do you think this condition is so emphasised?
Perspective Questions:
1) What does a courageous Christian in your current life station look like? Describe what this person will do, how he or she might choose to live. Are there some common traits you currently share with this person? What are some of the differences?
2) Think about your personal journey of pursuing God and staying obedient to His ways. Where do you tend to draw strength and courage from when things get difficult? People? God’s Word? Your resources? If you were to take courage fully from a complete trust in God’s promises and character, how might your actions and choices be different?
3) In Joshua 1:8, God commanded Joshua to meditate on His Word day and night, and to keep it on his lips. Remembering and getting fresh insights into His Word encourages us to choose obedience, leading us towards our spiritual inheritance. To what extent has meditating on and submitting to God’s Word made a difference in your life?
Application Questions:
1) What is one adjustment I need to make in the way I treat the Word of God daily?
2) What is one area of my life that God wants me to step out courageously in obedience to Him? How should I go about this?