Title: The Wonderful Person
Series: The Wonder Of Christmas
Text: Isaiah 9:6-7
God has promised a deliverer for Man since the fall of Man in the garden of Eden. Throughout the Old Testament, there were many prophecies regarding this Messiah. What is the Messiah like and what makes Him so special that He can be our deliverer?
1) Wonderful Counsellor (v. 6c)
• What are some of the challenges we face when deciding between looking to God for guidance and relying on solutions provided by the world?
• What would help us grow in seeking God for His guidance more?
2) Mighty God (v. 6c)
• What makes it difficult for us to trust that God is truly in control? What can help us to persist in believing that God is Mighty, even if we are in a difficult situation?
3) Everlasting Father (v. 6d)
• We have a perfect father in Christ – He loves, guides, protects and provides for us. How does this match and differ with our understanding of our earthly fathers?
• How does Jesus relating to us in a fatherly way comfort us, especially when our earthly fathers are flawed?
4) Prince of Peace (v. 6d)
• What are some specific challenges in our lives that stop us from experiencing true peace and rest in Jesus? What is one step we can take to receive the peace that Jesus wants us to experience in Him?