9 Oct, 10am
For all kids 2-12 years old
~ free admission ~
HopeKids is celebrating your child this Children’s Day.
Your child will learn how they are uniquely and wonderfully made by God,
and precious in His sight!
Snack at our
live popcorn station!
Bring home your own
balloon sculpture!
Exclusive HopeKids lunchbox and snacks!
Take part in our very own
Despicable Games!
~ Getting Here ~
9 Oct, 10am
For all kids 2-12 years old
~ free admission ~
HopeKids is celebrating your child this Children’s Day. Your child will learn how they are uniquely and wonderfully made by God, and precious in His sight!
Snack at our live
popcorn station!
Bring home your own balloon sculpture!
Take part in our very own
Despicable Games!
Exclusive HopeKids lunchbox and snacks!
~ Getting Here ~