Title: Better Together In God’s Love
Text: 1 John 4:19-21
Series: Better Together

How do we celebrate our uniqueness and embrace one another‘s differences? Let’s explore how God’s love knits us together and makes us Better Together.

1) God’s Love Enables Us to Love One Another (v.19)

While human love is often conditional, God’s love is unconditional. Without drawing from the source of love, human love is limited and gets exhausted easily. What are the ways believers show love to our neighbours? How different will this love look if we do so without God as the source? When we struggle to love someone in the church, what can we do beside ‘trying harder’? How will you make time in the coming weeks to come before God and spend time with Him? Allow the love of God to enable you to love people who are difficult, people who are different and people who are not easy to love.

2) We Love God by Loving One Another (v.20)

The love of God that is within us will show up in how we relate with others in church. From v.20, if we do not try to reconcile with others, we become a liar. Who do you need to seek reconciliation today? How can mentors and others in LG facilitate reconciliation and release forgiveness on one another? If the Holy Spirit reveals incidents where we may have hurt someone, will you be humble to seek with God’s strength?

3) God Commands Us to Love One Another (v.21)

The word “must” in v.21 highlights the deliberate effort need to obey God’s command. How can we adjust our own preferences as an expression of our love for God and fellow believers? What are you willing to give up in order to start obeying God’s command to love? How can the victory of Jesus on the cross empower believers to overcome differences, bitterness and hurts?

Have you seen the wonder of Miracles, or do you simply wonder if miracles exist?

Jesus drew large crowds whereever He went 2,000 years ago, because of the power and compassion He displayed. Witness these acts of wonder, reach out for a divine touch, and believe God for a miracle.

Text: Matthew 8:23-34
Series: The Wonder Of Miracles

Jesus performed miracles which demonstrated His complete authority over all creation. Yet he was not merely revealing what he can do, but who he really is. How then, should we approach miracles?

Discussion Guide 

1) Jesus acts to demonstrate his complete authority (23-26, 28-32)

Recall a time when you needed a miraculous touch from God. What did you do, and what happened? What did your experience teach you about who God is? Why is it important to look beyond the miracle in order to better know the God behind it?

What does Jesus’ authority over nature and spirits tell you about who he is? How would knowing that Jesus can command the waves encourage you the next time you go through one of life’s storms? How would knowing that Jesus can command the evil spirits assure you the next time you encounter opposition? How would knowing that Jesus has complete authority shape your response to chaotic happenings in the world, such as extreme climate change and political and social unrest?

How can the LG prompt one another to be more aware of who God is every time a miracle happens? For example, what are some helpful guidelines on sharing testimonies about miracles? How can the LG respond to believers who are desperate for a miracle but have not experienced it?

2) Jesus acts to draw a deeper response of faith (27, 33-34)

Miracles, as wonderful as they are, don’t generate the same response from everyone. Read verses 27 and 33-34. What is the key difference between the two responses recorded in these verses? Which response would Jesus want us to have? Why?

Faith is a personal and deliberate choice. It is how we choose to perceive the miracle, how we question and learn about who God is, and what we do with what we see and know. How has your faith deepened after your encounter with a miracle? What are the changes in your understanding and lifestyle?

How can the LG better facilitate responses of faith? For example, what are some good questions to guide believers to reflect on their miraculous experiences so that they can mature in their faith? How can the LG respond to believers who may be doubtful about miracles?

Reflection Questions 

1) Jesus acts to demonstrate his complete authority (23-26, 28-32)
What does Jesus’ authority over nature and spirits tell you about who he is? How would knowing that Jesus can command the waves encourage you the next time you go through one of life’s storms? How would knowing that Jesus can command the evil spirits assure you the next time you encounter opposition?

2) Jesus acts to draw a deeper response of faith (27, 33-34)
How has your faith deepened after your encounter with a miracle? What are the changes in your understanding and lifestyle?

If we want to make a difference in the world, we have to be distinct from the world. How should we live so that others will see Jesus through us?