Series: A Brick In His House
Title: From Darkness Into Light
Text: 1 Peter 2:9-10

Christ-followers are called out of darkness into God’s wonderful light. The church, which is the body of Christ, are set apart by God and for God. What does it mean for the Church to be set apart?

General Questions:

  1. What are the privileges and blessings that you have personally received from Christ since coming to know Him? Share your personal experiences. 

Perspective Questions:

  1. What comes to your mind when you think of holiness? The Church is holy when we are set apart for God’s purposes. What then are God’s purposes? What part do you think you play in fulfilling these purposes as part of the body of Christ?

  2. Gratefulness for the mercy that we have received from God should be the motivation for us to obey and declare God’s goodness. Why do you think it is important to have the right motivation in obeying or serving God? What will happen if we obey or serve with the wrong motivation? Are there times when you did not have the motivation to serve? Why? 

Application Questions:

  1. How do you think you can participate in God’s purpose for the world through the church? Are there areas that you are prompted to start serving in (e.g. in Church ministries)? 

  2. What are the ways that you think your LG can work together to proclaim Jesus to the pre-believers?

Series: A Brick In His House
Title: From Stones to a House
Text: N.A.

Many structures of wood, brick and steel are built and established by the hands of man. Yet none of them, from shophouse to skyscraper, compares to the Church, the spiritual house of God.

Discover what makes up His House and how we are called to be part of it!

General Questions:

  1. How did you come to Hope Church? Why did you eventually decide to stay and root yourself here?

  2. What do you think are the purposes of the church?

Perspective Questions:

  1. 1 Peter 2 talks of Jesus as the cornerstone of the Church. Read up about the functions of the cornerstone in ancient buildings (foundation, reference point, alignment). How should knowing the role Jesus plays in the church affect the way we view and be involved in church? What does it mean for us as believers today?

  2. Some people think of church as a service, building or organisation. How does the bible define the church? How should I consider my role as a member of the church?

  3. “I love Jesus but not the church!” is a refrain we hear. Is it possible to be a follower of Christ without the church? What are the dangers of not having a community to support your journey? 

Application Questions:

  1. Being part of a community is difficult. Why should we still love the church and be a part of it despite its imperfections? What should I do in a church that is imperfect? What role do we play in the church? 

  2. In our fast-paced society, we have so many other things fighting for our attention. Why should we prioritise the church? What does it look like? How can the life group aid your journey to put Jesus first?

Many structures of wood, brick and steel are built and established by the hands of man. Yet none of them, from shophouse to skyscraper, compares to the Church, the spiritual house of God.

Discover what makes up His House and how we are called to be part of it!

Series: Which is Better?
Title: Online Church or Physical Church?
Text: Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Thessalonians 2:17; Romans 1:11-12

Now that safe management measures are relaxing, should watching livestreams of church services and meeting online continue to be the main mode of gathering for believers?

General Questions:

  1. Reflect on your experience watching livestream services or meeting your LG online during the pandemic. What are your thoughts? How do you feel?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Hebrews 10:24-25 calls believers to be ministers. While ministering can take place both online and onsite, do you think it is more effective in person? Why or why not?
  2. As helpful as technology is, most if not all us would not want our most treasured relationships to be completely virtual. What do you think are the possibilities and limitations that technology brings to our relationships?

Application Questions:

  1. It takes time and effort to meet physically more frequently again. How can the LG take concrete steps?

In this fast-changing world, we often grapple with choices that aren’t so black and white. Which is right? What is biblical? Or are both needed?

Examine these contemporary issues that are relevant to our faith and spiritual growth as a Christian.

Series: Not Done Yet (Focus 2022)
Title: Through The Fire
Text: Psalm 66:1-20

God’s work in our lives is not done yet. As we enter 2022, let’s look to Scripture to understand God’s intent to mould us into His likeness through His refining work. 

General Questions:

  1. The past two years of living through a pandemic has impacted and shaped our lives immensely. As you look back and reflect on the past two years, how have you responded to the challenges? What are some words that you would use to describe yourself? Looking into 2022, are there circumstances or areas that you want to respond differently?

Perspective Questions:

  1. Whether our faith grows when we go through difficult times depends on how we interpret our hardship. What is your view on believers going through hardship? Why do you think God allows us to go through difficult times? Do you have testimonies of how you experience growth in your faith in God and in your character during difficult times? 

  2. What are the things that we can give thanks to God for after journeying with Him through the difficult times that we face or the bad news that we hear? Are there things that you were thankful for during the pandemic, either for what God has done for you or for who God is?

Application Questions:

  1. Pressure reveals our character. Are there areas that God is revealing to you through how you responded when the going gets tough? What does it reveal about your underlying values and priorities? How do you think God wants you to change such that you grow more into Christlikeness?

  2. What do you think are values and attitudes that can help us to remain faithful to God through the tough times? How do you think we can support and encourage a fellow believer who is going through tough times?

After 2 years of living with Covid-19, we could have learned to pick up new skills or broken new ground. We could also have suffered loss and battled anxieties, leaving us broken and lost.

Yet our all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful God is still at work. Come and hear what He has in store for our church and personal lives as we move forward in 2022.

This year’s Focus ‘Pivot’ came very quickly in July 2020 and kickstarted just a few months later in November. As we close out 2021, come together to reflect how we have pivoted as a church and celebrate how God – His faithfulness and goodness – is still the same even in the new norm.

This year’s Focus ‘Pivot’ came very quickly in July 2020 and kickstarted just a few months later in November. As we close out 2021, come together to reflect how we have pivoted as a church and celebrate how God – His faithfulness and goodness – is still the same even in the new norm.

We all want to be successful – whether it’s in our grades, internships, or friendships. But are there underlying costs we don’t know about?

Watch this special production where a university student grapples with this question in the biggest interview of his life!