Topic: Faith
Title: Faith That Moves Mountains
Series: Therefore, Go
A sermon by guest speaker Pastor Joseph Sachariah.
Series: Finance
Title: The Heart of Tithing
Text: Various passages
Holiness should permeate to all aspects of our lives, including how we view and treat our finances through the practice of tithing. What does the Bible say about tithing? How does the spiritual habit of tithing aid us in our spiritual life? How can we practice biblical tithing given all our contemporary challenges and concerns?
General Questions:
- If a working adult cites personal financial commitment as why he does not buy insurance coverage, what would be your advice to him? Would you give the same advice to a believer who is not tithing regularly?
Perspective Questions:
- From Leviticus 27:32, we see that tithe is “holy to the Lord”. What message is a believer sending when he does not tithe?
- Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”. Our church is built on others who had contributed to God’s Kingdom with their time and tithe. What do you think are the ways our tithe can resource God’s work both locally and globally?
- How has tithing faithfully increased your dependence on God? Think back on your past experiences and share how this has helped you in your spiritual journey.
Application Questions:
- For some of us, tithing might be such an ingrained practice over the years that we may think little of it. Take time to reconsider the reason you are tithing. As you do so, share what God has placed in your heart about your personal reason for tithing faithfully.
- Are there some good practices in tithing that some LG members can share? How can we build a safe space for us to be accountable to one another about our tithing?
Series: Galatians – Freedom in the Gospel
Title: Only Way to Be Right with God
Text: Galatians 3:7-14
Many of us grew up thinking that if we want something, we must work for it. But being right with God is not something we can work for because no one, except Christ, can perfectly live up to God’s standards. How then, can a person be right with God?
Perspective Questions:
What is the key difference between believing and doing when it comes to being right with God? How would a person who relies on faith differ from a person who relies on works to obtain a right standing before God?
We may have been conditioned by the world to think that we would only be accepted only if we are strong and capable. But are these qualities that matter most to God? What does God really look for from His people?
How should we understand the relationship between faith and works? Read James 2:14-24.
Application Questions:
How can we base our security not in what we can do but in what Christ has done for us?
Title: Prepare for Encounter
Text: 2 Kings 5:1-18
How can we prepare our hearts for an encounter with God?
Perspective Questions:
Contrast the faith of Naaman’s Israelite servant girl and that of the Israelite king. What are some faith lessons we can learn from both of them?
Contrast Naaman’s initial reaction to Elisha’s words (vv10-12) to that of his servants (v13). Which party had faith that would please God, and why?
Eventually, Naaman humbled himself to obey Elisha and as a result, he received healing (v14). What are some characteristics and signs of someone who has the attitude of humility in encountering God?
One key theme in the story of Naaman, an Aramean commander, is that the God of Israel is also the God of the world. How does this story teach us to encounter God as a global God?
Application Questions:
How can we rekindle a simple faith in God? How can we avoid over-complicating matters, which may prevent us from exercising simple faith?
It is easy to pursue spiritual experiences or encounters without letting them transform our hearts. How can we take steps to ensure that we allow an encounter with God to enhance our walk with Him?
Series: Faith For Generations
Title: Taking God Seriously
Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-3
How can we take God seriously in our lives and help the next generation to do the same, so that they can live out their faith in an ever-changing environment?
General Questions:
What do you think it means to take God seriously? How do you think your life will be different if you start to take God more seriously?
Perspective Questions:
Taking God seriously requires us to have the right understanding of God, which involves an appreciation of both His grace and His holiness. Which aspect of God do you tend to focus on more? What do you think can happen if you focus too much on one aspect at the expense of another?
Reflect on how you are spending your time, energy, and resources. What do you take most seriously in your life, and how does that compare with God’s position in your heart?
Parents, reflect on your interaction with your children. What does your conversation topic revolve around? How would your conversation with your children be different if you take their spiritual development more seriously?
Application Questions:
To take God seriously, we must first understand God’s Word before we can obey it. What are some distractions or obstacles that may hinder believers from understanding and obeying His Word? How do you think you can practically re-orient your schedule so that you can spend time to listen to God? For families, how can your family schedule and prioritise learning and doing God’s Word together as a family?
What are specific areas where God may be nudging you to take His command or promise more seriously? How would you respond to His prompting?
We have the privilege and responsibility to teach and inspire the next generation to give their hearts to God.
God continues to work out His redemptive plan through generations of believers who are committed to Him. Find out how we can pass on our faith for generations.
Series: Call Of A Disciple
Title: Putting Our Faith To Work
Text: Matthew 7:24-29
General Questions:
In this passage, Jesus challenged his listeners to put his words into practice. What do you think a life of obedience to God is supposed to be like?
How is a life of obedience different from one that is merely appears to be in obedience to God?
Perspective Questions:
In the imagery of the wise and the foolish men, both men have put effort into build their houses. The difference is therefore not in amount of effort, but rather about choosing what we are building our lives upon. What are some truths of God that you are building your life upon? How are you living these truths out?
What are some temptations that cause believers to choose to live in disobedience to God? How can believers avoid these pitfalls?
What are some tests of faith and obedience that you have been victorious in? What helped you to gain victory in these tests?
Application Questions:
The words of Jesus can be often challenging to live out as they challenge our natural ways of thinking and living. What is an area that the Holy Spirit is calling you into greater obedience?
As believers, we are bound to fail God’s call for obedience every now and then. What are some truths that we can hold on to when we have failed in these areas?
Has the pandemic fatigue diminished our drive and dulled our passion for the things of God? Step into the new year by reigniting our love for Jesus and learning how we can be extraordinarily and generously devoted to Him!
We all want to be successful – whether it’s in our grades, internships, or friendships. But are there underlying costs we don’t know about?
Watch this special production where a university student grapples with this question in the biggest interview of his life!