Title: Prayer: More Than Lip Service
Series: Victorious Living
Text: Matt 6:9-13

Prayer can become a mere act of lip service if we lose sight of its purpose. What is prayer about and how should we approach God?

1) Prayer is about worshipping God (v. 9-10)

How do we usually approach God in prayer? How does the way we approach God reflect our relationship with Him (e.g. is it transactional or conditional)?

God will always answer our prayers, just perhaps not in the way we prefer (often termed as “unanswered prayer”). How do we respond when God does not answer us in the way we prefer/expect? Why? How can we be assured that God still loves us as His children despite these “unanswered prayers”?

While it is not wrong to present our requests to God, we need to understand that our primary focus when we pray is on God and not on us. Our prayer life should honour God and glorify Him. How does knowing this affect how we usually pray and respond when God answers us?

2) Prayer is about expressing our need for God (v. 11-13)

What is the difference between merely presenting our needs to God and expressing our need for God while we present our needs to Him? Discuss.

We need to be mindful that we do not just pay lip service to God in our prayers – saying that we need God but actually thinking that we are fine. What are some reasons why believers may not recognise their need for God? How can believers guard against the tendency to be self-sufficient? What may help believers to realise their dependency on God? What are some areas in our lives where we need to acknowledge our need for God more?

Good things are meant to be shared! And so too, the Good News of Jesus must reach many more out there. What practical actions can we take and how do we maintain our passion for evangelism?

Good things are meant to be shared! And so too, the Good News of Jesus must reach many more out there. What practical actions can we take and how do we maintain our passion for evangelism?

1) Excitement for evangelism is an overflow of personal experience with God. When was the last time you receive a fresh touch from God?

2) Ps Lawrence shares we can be so comfortable and busy living in our circles that we no longer have pre-believing friends. What are some reasons believers can land into such a situation? How can believers be intentional in building relationships with the lost? It is always easier to love and associate with people similar to ourselves, how can we prepare ourselves to love people who are different from us?

3) Jesus calls us to care for those who cannot care for themselves. Jesus did this by coming down and walking among the very people that needed him. What are some ways believers can walk among the neediest of our society? As a Life Group, how can we encourage each other to care and help those in need?

Home-based learning. Circuit Breaker. Phase 1. Phase 2. What’s next?
Crises like this pandemic we are in come with many environment and lifestyle changes. In this constant state of flux, learn how to be adaptable to adjust to our surroundings, yet remain steadfast in our values.

Series: We His People
Title: Follow in His Ways
Text: Philippians 2:5-11

Come and learn how we should become more like Christ as we are united with His life and Resurrection, following in His humility, servanthood and eventually sharing in His exaltation.

1) As we think about our spiritual life and church culture today, what kind of entitlements do you think believers might be prone to have? How do you think these entitlements come about?

2) How does Jesus’ model of taking on the nature of a servant differ from the entitlement mentality discussed earlier? What does being a servant look like in our workplace, family of LG? Why do you think believers may struggle to follow Jesus in being a servant? What kind of mindset change would it require for us to serve like Jesus did?

3) As you look at the relationships with your family, LG, colleagues, and community, select one area which you think the Holy Spirit is prompting you to give up your rights such that you can obey God by serving and loving others. What practical steps do you want to take in order to do so?

In this season, one who stays home, masks up and practises social distancing makes a good citizen of Singapore.

What then makes a good citizen of Heaven – living a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ? Join us to learn how we should live to enhance the reputation of Christ and bring glory to our Lord.

Title: Church in Victory

Discussion Guide:

1) The world attempts to define us through many means. “How much do you earn?” “What company are you working for?” “What school did you attend?” How can we ground our identity to be ‘in Christ’ (2 Cor 5:17) and securely live for Him?

2) Our relationship with God is the victory we have received from Jesus’ death on the cross. The almighty God knows us, and we know Him. Yet, as we navigate life, our eyes and ears may take reference from other sights and voices. What are the things that draw our attention? What can we do to cultivate our relationship with God, building intimacy with Him?

What do identity and intimacy have to do with a victorious church?
As we continue to live in victory from the Cross, discover from the life of Jesus how these two aspects were foundational to His ministry on earth.