What makes a parent’s love so special? Join us to celebrate and honour the dads and mums in our lives, and discover how their love is a reflection of the greatest Love of all!

What makes a parent’s love so special? Join us to celebrate and honour the dads and mums in our lives, and discover how their love is a reflection of the greatest Love of all!

Series: Faith & Family
Title: Love At Full Stretch
Text: 1 Peter 4:7a, 8

When those who matter to us do not respond according to our desires, we may feel unheard, unappreciated or offended. How can we continue to love as a family in the midst of disappointments and frustrations? 

General Questions:

  1. Someone once said that unmet expectations is a ‘silent killer’ in relationships. Would you agree? Why?

Perspective Questions:

  1. To Peter, believers prepare for Christ’s return as King and Judge by living right before God and with one another in the present (1 Pet 4:7a, 8). How would keeping the end in mind affect or change the way we serve or relate with one another, especially when our expectations are not met?   

  2. What may happen if we do not handle unmet expectations well? Conversely, if we respond with the deep love that Peter calls for (1 Pet 4:8), what may happen?

Application Questions:

  1. It can be tempting to hold grudges against those who have let us down. Yet the Bible challenges us to respond with a love that keeps no record of wrongs (1 Cor 13:5). How can we practically live this out?

  2. Perhaps we should expect to have unmet expectations in our relationships because we are all works in progress. How can we manage our expectations?

Series: Faith & Family
Title: Care For The Cross
Text: John 19:25-27

At the Cross, Jesus forms a new family among His disciples. How does belonging to the spiritual family impact our lives?

General Questions:

  1. How would you describe your experience with family?

Perspective Questions:

  1. What do you make of Jesus’ words in Mk 3:32-35? Why would they sound radical to many of us today? 

  2. Jesus establishes a new family that is bonded not by blood but by Spirit. Why is the spiritual family God’s gift to believers?

Application Questions:

  1. How can we invest in our spiritual family while fulfilling our responsibilities towards our natural families?

  2. How can we involve our spiritual family in reaching out to our natural families?

FAMILY – Our greatest love? Or deepest heartache?

Beyond our experiences, what does God say about family? Explore how we can live out our faith in both our spiritual and natural families!

Series: Ways of a Disciple
Title: Beyond Settling for the Acceptable – Pursue Faithfulness
Text: Matthew 5:31-32

What is God’s view concerning how we should treat our covenants, such as the covenant of marriage, and how can Christ-followers pursue faithfulness in their committed relationships?

General Questions:

  1. Do you think it is possible for Christ followers to pursue faithfulness in accordance to God’s standards for marriage? What do you think are the reasons that there are divorces even among Christians?

Perspective Questions:

  1. If our purpose of marriage is just to seek happiness, we will be disappointed and have many reasons to leave when our marriages go through rough patches. What do you think are the godly values and perspectives that we should have towards marriage instead? 

  2. Marriage is one example of a covenant relationship. We also have covenants with God, our church family and our friends. If faithfulness is the foundation of our covenants, what do you think it takes to be faithful?

Application Questions:

  1. How can we pursue faithfulness in our covenants? What are some small steps we can take to be loyal to those we are covenanted to?

Series: Home Ground
Title: A Unity Worth Fighting For
 Ephesians 5:21-33
God’s intent for marriage is that two people together to become one flesh. However, this design of marriage is frequently threatened by man’s self-centredness and demand for his rights. In this passage, the Bible provides guidance and instruction on how we are to defend the unity in our marriages.
General Questions:
1) Can you describe the picture of marriage you see, from what Paul conveyed to wives and husbands respectively in Ephesians 5:22-30?
2) Do you think it is easy or difficult to follow what Paul says? Why? For married couples, what does obeying God in this aspect mean for your relationship?
Perspective Questions:
1) What parallels did Paul draw between the marital relationship and that of the Christ and the church? How does this enrich your understanding of marital relationship and the relationship between Christ and the church?
2) For couples, there may be times when you do not feel like submitting and loving one another – it takes great humility to do so. What stands in the way of such humility? What are ways to overcome the obstacles when such situations arise?
Application Questions:
1) What are some ‘good practices’ you have learnt or reflections from your marriage that you can share with others in the community?
2) Are there areas in your relationship and marriage that God is speaking to you? For example, has your marriage grown more functional? What are some steps that you can take to love one another, to strengthen and build your marriage in a biblical way?

Mr. Jason Wong, Chairman of Focus on the Family (Singapore), shares how our faith can impact our relationships with our loved ones. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross, we can reset our marriages and parenting for the better!

Parenting is a journey of love and joy, peppered at times with uncertainty and challenges. How do we navigate through these challenges and be purposeful Godly parents to our children?