Topic: Family
- If an electronic device is broken, do you prefer to repair or buy a new one? In an affluent society, we are used to discarding rather than fixing stuff. How does this mindset influence our view of relationships and marriages?
- In today’s society, people do not like the idea of commitment. What do you think are the reasons why people may shy away from commitment in marriage? What does it reflect about what these people value?
- Why do you think God values marital faithfulness so much? What does it reflect about Him and His desires for us?
- Why is accountability in our marriage important? Are there specific boundaries we may need to set to safeguard our marriage? Are there pastoral leaders whom we can choose to be accountable to?
- For married couples, it is difficult for us to die to self and love our spouse sacrificially without God’s empowerment. What is one challenge in your marriage that you need to ask the Holy Spirit to empower you in? Think of a specific example and commit to allowing God to change you.
- For couples, what is one practical step you need to take together to strengthen your marriage? Some possible ideas include:
– Taking up a love challenge (e.g. 40 Day Fire Proof Love Challenge)
– Setting aside a “date night” weekly
– Praying for one another regularly - For courting couples and singles, drawing close to God before marriage will prepare us to weather storms in our future marriages. What are some practical action steps we can take to draw close to God?
Pursuing holiness includes how we view and treat love and intimacy. Amidst the influence of worldly values, learn how the Scriptures celebrate love and sexual intimacy and how this helps us to be holy singles and married couples before God.
Adulting is a long journey where every life station comes with its own complexities. Learn how you can live in God’s wisdom and purposes in your current season.
Title: Battle Plan Against Porn
Text: Various
Porn is addictive, accessible and increasingly acceptable. How can we take a stand against its dangerous and destructive effects?
Perspective Questions:
What are some lies that may lead believers to be sexually tempted or to fall into sexual sin?
What are some truths from the Word that motivate or inspire believers to choose to pursue holiness?
Application Questions:
How can we support believers who are trying to overcome a porn addiction or other sexual sins?
Parents, what are some ways to guide your children in an age where porn is easily accessible and may even become acceptable?
In a nationwide survey by Focus on the Family, the greatest threat of sexuality is pornography. It affects not just young men and women but also married couples.
As a church and followers of Christ, we need a battle plan against pornography. Let’s talk about it, openly, honestly and biblically.
Series: Faith For Generations
Title: Making God Known
Text: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Missions starts at home when parents play their role as their children’s first disciple-makers. How can we disciple our children? How can we make God known in our homes?
Perspective Questions:
An idol is anything besides Christ that we place our security and significance in. What are some “idols” that can seduce believers away from God?
In what ways can believers give their best to anything or anyone but God?
Application Questions:
How can we centre our lives around God’s words?
Parents, what are possible opportunities to learn and teach God’s words to your children?
Series: Faith For Generations
Title: Taking God Seriously
Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-3
How can we take God seriously in our lives and help the next generation to do the same, so that they can live out their faith in an ever-changing environment?
General Questions:
What do you think it means to take God seriously? How do you think your life will be different if you start to take God more seriously?
Perspective Questions:
Taking God seriously requires us to have the right understanding of God, which involves an appreciation of both His grace and His holiness. Which aspect of God do you tend to focus on more? What do you think can happen if you focus too much on one aspect at the expense of another?
Reflect on how you are spending your time, energy, and resources. What do you take most seriously in your life, and how does that compare with God’s position in your heart?
Parents, reflect on your interaction with your children. What does your conversation topic revolve around? How would your conversation with your children be different if you take their spiritual development more seriously?
Application Questions:
To take God seriously, we must first understand God’s Word before we can obey it. What are some distractions or obstacles that may hinder believers from understanding and obeying His Word? How do you think you can practically re-orient your schedule so that you can spend time to listen to God? For families, how can your family schedule and prioritise learning and doing God’s Word together as a family?
What are specific areas where God may be nudging you to take His command or promise more seriously? How would you respond to His prompting?
We have the privilege and responsibility to teach and inspire the next generation to give their hearts to God.
God continues to work out His redemptive plan through generations of believers who are committed to Him. Find out how we can pass on our faith for generations.
Series: Let’s Talk About Sexuality
Title: With His Love
Text: Various
What the world needs now is for the church to fulfil its mission to be salt and light. However, this is often easier said than done, for the church lives in a world that is hostile to its values. How can the church engage the world with grace and truth?
General Questions:
- What do you think is the church’s role in society? What are the unique features of Singapore society that affect the church’s role?
Perspective Questions:
- Share your experience (if any) of how you faced opposition for sticking to your values. What do you think you did right, and what could you have done differently? What may encourage or support believers to stand firm in their beliefs?
- What does grace-filled speech sound like and what can it achieve? Identify some must-have attitudes behind gracious communication.
- If we do not walk the talk, we have not earned the right to be heard. What is the church doing well in being a godly example today? What can the church grow in?
Application Questions:
- How can we be gracious in our communication without compromising on our values?
- How can we prepare ourselves to give a response if someone asks us for our views of sex? Parents, what can you do to educate your children on this topic?