The birth of Jesus brought hope to the Israelites that their God heard their cries and fulfilled His promise to them.
God is still faithful to us in the challenging times we live in today.
This Christmas, discover and celebrate the promises God has given us through Christ!

Encounter God’s Presence in our worship service. Learn how we can wield praise as a weapon; to declare God’s power and nature in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances.

Title: Celebrate Jesus
Text: John 12:12-19 (main text), John 12:37-43 (sub text)

We can truly celebrate Jesus only when we have the right understanding of who He is. Jesus may not be the Saviour we expected or wanted, but He is the Saviour we need.

Perspective Questions:

  1. Reflecting on your life, when did God’s promises (or your hope regarding God’s promises) turn out to be different from what you expected? What helps you to trust in God when your expectations are at odds with what He wants to do?

  2. What were some difficult circumstances that you went through where you later realized that God was doing something important through them? What was God doing? How have these experiences affected the way you look at the challenges you face?

  3. Think back over your relationship with Christ. In what ways has your understanding and expectations of Christ changed over the years to align more appropriately with who He truly is? 

Application Questions:

  1. Jesus may not be the Saviour we expected or wanted, but He is the Saviour we need. How does this understanding affect the way we share the Gospel? 

  2. How can we grow in our conviction to share the Gospel with people who need the Saviour? What are some ways we can partner our LG members to spread the Gospel this Easter? 

The Jesus of Easter claimed He’s the answer to all these bigger questions of life.

This Easter, we are inviting you to consider Jesus, just like the billions of others who have considered and lived their entire lives with Jesus at the centre. 

When Jesus came to Jerusalem, crowds of people laid palm leaves and cheered enthusiastically to welcome Him. The same crowd turned against Him just a few days later.

As we celebrate Jesus this Palm Sunday, learn how we can have steadfast faith in Him despite the fickleness of our human nature.

Title: Celebrate Jesus
Text: John 12:12-19 (main text), John 12:37-43 (sub text)

We can truly celebrate Jesus only when we have the right understanding of who He is. Jesus may not be the Saviour we expected or wanted, but He is the Saviour we need.

Perspective Questions:

  1. Reflecting on your life, when did God’s promises (or your hope regarding God’s promises) turn out to be different from what you expected? What helps you to trust in God when your expectations are at odds with what He wants to do?

  2. What were some difficult circumstances that you went through where you later realized that God was doing something important through them? What was God doing? How have these experiences affected the way you look at the challenges you face?

  3. Think back over your relationship with Christ. In what ways has your understanding and expectations of Christ changed over the years to align more appropriately with who He truly is? 

Application Questions:

  1. Jesus may not be the Saviour we expected or wanted, but He is the Saviour we need. How does this understanding affect the way we share the Gospel? 

  2. How can we grow in our conviction to share the Gospel with people who need the Saviour? What are some ways we can partner our LG members to spread the Gospel this Easter? 

“Christmas is always the same every year!” said Chris. Until… this year.

Stomach troubles at an awkward family dinner launches him into The Christmas Multiverse.
Join Chris in this epic drama and discover your own favourite version of Christmas!

“Christmas is always the same every year!” said Chris. Until… this year.

Stomach troubles at an awkward family dinner launches him into The Christmas Multiverse.
Join Chris in this epic drama and discover your own favourite version of Christmas!

Seasons of struggle may make us think that life is hopeless and bleak.
But what if it’s not the end?
Jesus died a tragic death on the Cross. But His story didn’t end there.

Discover the Easter story – the story of you and God, and how He is still writing the story of your life.

Seasons of struggle may make us think that life is hopeless and bleak.
But what if it’s not the end?
Jesus died a tragic death on the Cross. But His story didn’t end there.

Discover the Easter story – the story of you and God, and how He is still writing the story of your life.