Title: Battle Plan Against Porn
: Various

Porn is addictive, accessible and increasingly acceptable. How can we take a stand against its dangerous and destructive effects?

Perspective Questions:

  1. What are some lies that may lead believers to be sexually tempted or to fall into sexual sin?

  2. What are some truths from the Word that motivate or inspire believers to choose to pursue holiness? 

Application Questions:

  1. How can we support believers who are trying to overcome a porn addiction or other sexual sins?

  2. Parents, what are some ways to guide your children in an age where porn is easily accessible and may even become acceptable?

In a nationwide survey by Focus on the Family, the greatest threat of sexuality is pornography. It affects not just young men and women but also married couples.

As a church and followers of Christ, we need a battle plan against pornography. Let’s talk about it, openly, honestly and biblically.

Series: Hearts On Fire Focus Series 1
Title: Danger: A Heart Set On The World
Text: 1 John 2:15-17

General Questions:

  1. “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.” (v15) Why do you think John says that love for God is incompatible with love for the world?

Perspective Questions:

  1. What are some examples of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life that believers may find themselves susceptible to? 

  2. Under what circumstances might we be tempted to succumb to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life? What do these tendencies reveal about our relationship with God?

  3. How does having an eternal perspective help us to desire for the things of God instead of the things of the world? 

Application Questions:

  1. How can we guard against worldly values or ideas that may subtly invade our hearts?

  2. How can we grow together as an LG to cultivate our love for God and our doing of the will of God (In the context of 1 John, loving God will lead us to love one another. This aspect of loving God is emphasised because of the differences between believers in John’s church.)? Discuss.