
Light of The World

19 & 26 May 2019
Michael Raditya, Dennis Loh
Calling, Church, Missions

Missions is often seen as something only for the ‘super spiritual’ believers who are willing and able to uproot themselves and settle in an unfamiliar land. But God is a global God with a global mission.

Enlarge your heart and view on how God prepares His church for missions, and how we should respond to His leadership on the missions ground.

Sermon cover of Light of the World (2/2): Serving on the Missions Field
Light of the World (2/2): Serving on the Missions Field

26 May 2019
No Speaker Tagged.
Sermon cover of Light of the World (1/2): Preparation for Missions
Light of the World (1/2): Preparation for Missions

19 May 2019
Michael Raditya